December was a busy month. I ended up being super sick for the first week and a half. Sicker than I have been in a really long time. I am actually not sure if I have ever been that sick. I had the worst cough I have ever had in my life and couldn't get much sleep at night for a week. I even had Brandon and my Dad give me a blessing because I was struggling so bad. So the first couple of weeks of December I was out of the picture. I missed a couple of Christmas parties and by the time I was feeling better it was game on time to make Caramel popcorn to give to our friends and finish getting ready for Christmas. It made the month disappear really quickly. Anyways, Emmett started the process of orthodontist work. He had to get an expander. So we had to go in and get everything ready for that. I was still sick when I took him but I was at least functioning. Wyatt got his top braces off and was scheduled to get his bottoms off shortly. Then Ashley and her family came out to visit. Which was super fun. Kayden loves being able to see and play with Harvey. It was a good but busy month like usual. haha