Monday, November 2, 2009


Carving Pumpkins! So much fun!

So we carved pumpkins with our friends and Brandon had the job of getting
the top off as well as carving it!

I had the job of taking out all of the guts...!! Yum.....! hahaha
Well I kind of volunteered! I had to do something to help in carving our pumpkin!

Here is our finished product! muahahaha! Scary!!
I think it turned out pretty good! :-)

making weird faces is just in our nature! :-)

Our little pumpkin family! :-)

Brandon was the guy off of Waynes World. He looked soo weird with long hair!
Who would have thought that my hair extensions would have been used for this haha!

I was a mad scientist thanks to Brandons doctor coat and white hair coloring!! muahahaha!

So fun, and very cheap!

Off to the ward party!

Me and the girls! We all went shopping that morning to get stuff
for our costumes at Wallmart! It was fun!

The crew! So fun!


On Halloween night everyone came over to our house and we did caramel apples and watched a movie. It was fun and we had trick or treaters come for the first time. It was fun. I was so excited to get trick or treaters until they started coming and then I got all nervous haha I am a dork. We had to turn our lights off early because we were running low on candy. We did not know how many trick or treaters we would get so we only bought one bag from Sam's. So next year we will have to get another bad probably! It was fun hanging out with our friends on Halloween and making caramel apples. I could have done without the scary movie but it turned out pretty fun. It was our first Halloween in our first house and it was really nice. Lots of memories. So here are some of the pics of the caramel apples we made. They were very tasty!

These are Brandon's apples! We put crushed up snickers on them! yum..

These are Dan and Tristy's

Here is me and Tristy having fun decorating are apples!

And last but not least.... this one is mine!! it was so very delicious!! :-) Yum yum yum!!

So Halloween was a lot of fun this year. Now I get to start putting out some CHRISTMAS Stuff!! WAHOOO!! hahaha