Friday, December 9, 2011

Christmas decorations

Ok I am a little bit behind on this post because we put up our Christmas tree on November 10th. I love Christmas and I was so excited to put up our tree. Then we put up our lights outside on our house after thanksgiving break! I guess that is our compromise for me wanting our Christmas tree up early and Brandon not wanting it up because Thanksgiving comes first. I am fine with our compromise! haha So here are some pictures of us decorating that Christmas tree.

Daddy trying to help Ethan put the ornaments on the tree the right way! He didn't quite get the it, he would just go put the ornament onto a branch and walk away and the ornament would just fall off.

What a good little helper we have! :-)
Ethan really liked helping us put the ornaments on the Christmas tree. Until he found the ones that have bells on them and then he just wanted to shake those and play with them instead of putting them on the tree! haha Silly boy!

Notice how the ornaments are all over the tree in this picture!
He was trying so hard to reach the ornaments, but he couldn't quite get to them!
We decided that it would be smarter to put the ornaments on only half of the tree so that Ethan could not get to them and pull them off. Especially since he kept thinking that they were balls, so he wanted them so he could throw them! haha He was a good little helper and it was fun having him help up this year! He is just growing up so fast!

And these are some pictures I took of little Ethan while he was playing in his little play house that our neighbors let us have.

He really enjoys playing in this little house. He is such a cutie and I can't get enough of him and I can't believe how big he is already!! Love this little boys so much!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

16 Months old ALREADY??

Well it is official our little boy is getting too big!! I can't believe he is 16 months old already! He hit the 16 month mark on Tuesday and guess what that means??? Only 2 more months and our little monkey will be going to nursery! I can't believe it!! It feels like just yesterday we brought him home and he was so tiny!! I can't complain though, he is so much fun these days. He is talking more and more and I love to hear his little voice! He just recently started saying, "bumble" which is Bubble haha for some reason he adds an M in there and it just makes it sound so much cuter when he says it. Well just had to put that he hit 16 months. Man how time flies!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Updated Bathrooms

So I should have posted about this a long time ago but I kept forgetting and slacking on updating my blog! So here it is our updated bathrooms! Brandon and I first decided to frame our mirror in our master bathroom. We got the idea from HGTV and it worked out amazing. We then decided to redo the bathroom floors since we had the old laminent flooring in our master bathroom and we painted the cabinets. So here is the before picture of our master bath!!

and here is the AFTER.....
We really like how it turned out! It looks so much better!

Then we also did the floors in the other upstairs bathroom! So here is the before!
And here is the after!
Brandon ended up doing our master bathroom when I was in California! He had a youth retreat to go to at the beginning of June and so I went to my parents house and then he came down after his retreat! I had no clue that he was going to do out master bathroom floor and so when he got to my parents house he showed us the video of the bathroom that he took. Which I thought was just going to be the mirror and the cabinets to show my parents what we had done so far. So I was pretty shocked when the video went to the floors and the new flooring was down. That silly husband of mine surprising me like that!! Anyways there are our updated bathroom floors! :-)

Halloween Fun

So our Halloween festivities began with our ward Halloween party last Thursday night. They had the chili cook off and then some carnival games. So we got dressed up for it and went. My mom came up with the Rice Krispie Treat idea and we just did with it what we wanted. It turned out pretty good everyone really liked our costumes and the idea and I am sure we would have won a prize if they had done prizes for best family costume! But, since they did not we did not win anything! Oh well, it was fun to get all dressed up! So as you can see Brandon was the Rice Krispie box, I was the bag of Marshmallows, and Ethan was the Rice Krispie Treat! :-)

We had to get a side shot of my amazing costume! haha With my marshmallow butt and everything! :-)
Our cute little Rice Krispie Treat! He was funny and did not know what to do when we put it on him. So he just stood there.. and would not walk or anything it was pretty funny! After a while though he got used to it and was going around everywhere like he normally does!

Then on Halloween Brandon's school put on a Safe Trick or Treating for the kids. So I dressed Ethan up as a Baseball player and we headed over to Brandon's school. He was still in the clinic working on a patient when we got there so me and Ethan went Trick or Treating just the 2 of us. Ethan did pretty good he did not really know what was going on but he carried his little bucket around with him like the whole time and kept his hat on (which was not like him to leave a hat on for so long!) Then after we were done trick or treating Brandon came over and we met up with some of our friends and went to IN N OUT for dinner! Here are some of the pictures of our cute little Ethan in his costume!

He posed like this all by himself, it was really funny!!

Ethan with his friend Paxton
The three little munchkins Ethan, Sage and Paxton!
This was the first time Ethan has ever had a Kapri sun and he LOVED it!! Brandon gave it to him and he just walked around drinking it, and when it was all gone he kind of whined to me like he wanted more! haha
After IN N OUT we headed home so we could hand out candy to all those little Trick or Treaters that would be stopping at our home. I thought we would go out with Ethan to do just a little Trick or Treating around our neighborhood but the one neighbors that we really wanted to stop at were not home. So Brandon opted to just call it good and not go out Trick or Treating. Which I figured Ethan had had his experience with Trick or Treating at the school and for his first time it was probably enough. So we finished our Halloween night handing out candy and watching the Sing off and Castle. Overall it was a pretty good Halloween! :-)
Oh and now that Halloween is over it is time to bring out the CHRISTMAS MUSIC!!! So I am pretty happy! :-)

Freeman Farms

On October 15 we went with some friends to this place called Freeman Farms. It must be a big thing in Arizona because there were a ton of people there. We were expecting it to be a little different and a little bigger for 20 bucks but it turned out to be pretty fun anyways. It was pretty hokey and kind of funny but it was fun to get out and actually do something rather than sit at home watching football. And it fit the season and I thought it would be fun to take Ethan to a pumpkin patch anyways. They had more than just a pumpkin patch there which was good. They had a carousel, hay rides, petting zoo, corn maze, different shows like a horse show and a dog show and some old western thing that they put on. So it was nice. Ethan loved just being able to walk around and be outside and it was not too hot that day so that was nice as well. I was just glad to have a fun little family outing. So it turned out to be a fun day and we ended up going to the Anthem outlets on our way home which Ethan ended up playing in the little splash pad and getting soaked in his clothes which was funny, and since we did not have an extra pair of clothes for him I bought some from one of the stores for him haha. Anyways so here are some pictures from our festivities.

As soon as we got to Freeman Farms it was lunch time so we found more of our friends and we sat and ate with them because moving on to the festivities!
We went to the pumpkin area first (not the patch, this areas was covered and set up just perfectly for some pictures) and got a sample of some apples! They were really good apples!
Man my little boy is such a stud!!
He definitely has a Murri mouth! haha

I think he liked the pumpkins! haha He liked to hit them too!
I went on the carousel with Ethan and he was not too sure about it. At first he was all excited but as soon as it started moving he got scared and just sat there starring and every so often would reach for me. haha Then the second time I tried going on with him he almost started to cry when I sat him on it. So we only rode it once and that was enough for him. It was pretty rickety though so I don't blame him. I mean it was no carousel from Disney Land! haha

The petting zoo was pretty funny. A few sheep and a few goats and thats about it. Ethan really liked this small little guy.

Love it!!
Of coarse we had to get the boys on the tractor.
Ethan looks so much like Brandon in this one!! What Handsome boys I have!! I am so lucky!!

Then in this one Ethan looks so much like me when I was little! He is such a good mix of both of us!! :-)
And of coarse I wanted to get a picture of how small Ethan looked compared to this HUGE tire! haha
Dont worry it was not open! :-)
My cute little family!
Love this one!
Ethan really liked this Donkey!
Then half way through our stay we took a break and sat down in the shade with our friends Clayton and Kallee Cook that invited us.
Then there was a horse show that we caught right before we left. And after the show they brought all the horses back out so that the kids could pet them. There was one horse that kept moving and kicking his legs every once in a while so we left that one alone after a bit and went to a more calm one. Ethan likes the horses but was tired and ready to go home!

It was a fun family outing!!