Well our little Wyatt turned 6 this year. He is growing up so fast and at this point the only little one in our family that has school on his birthday. So we decorated the room with streamers and the night before and got up to let him color his birthday crown. Then we headed off to get his birthday donut.
Since it was his birthday and I had to drive them straight to school after getting donuts I let Wyatt get a drink too. He was so excited and generously let his brothers get one too. haha
While he was at school I ran some errands and picked up some balloons for him. I had spaced going the night before so I went that morning. The dollar store didn't have any helium so I had to run to party city. It all worked out in the end. When I showed up to school to pick up Wyatt with the balloons I had gotten for him he was so happy. It was truly priceless the joy in his little face seeing me running up with Birthday balloons for him. He was so happy and it made my heart happy.
Such a cute kid!
Then we went to firehouse for lunch. I had a free medium sandwich and figured me and Wyatt and Emmett could all share it. At first Wyatt said he didn't want the sandwich I got for him and said he didn't like it. However, once he tried it he changed his mind and was super happy I had gotten that one for him. haha Mother knows best! haha
The rest of the day was spent having him want to open presents and me telling him "not yet". I don't remember what else we did that day until his Dad got off work but probably watched a movie because that is what Wyatt loves to do. haha
Once everyone was home we took off to go play mini golf.
The kids had a lot of fun and then were ready to go grab some dinner and then open presents and have cake.
Wyatt got some cool presents!
Wyatt got some cool presents!
I didn't make Wyatt's cake this year. One reason was that he wanted an ice cream cake. The second reason was I was not feeling up to the challenge and in general not feeling great. Thankfully Dairy Queen was able to get the cake done in less than a day and we had an ice cream cake to give Wyatt on his birthday. He loved it!! Plus we bought a little paw patrol figure to put on the cake which he thought was awesome.

Wyatt also got some money from Grandparents, a shirt from Great Grandma huntsman and his own Checkers game and boogie board from Grandpa and GG.
It was a good birthday and I hope he felt how much we love him and how grateful we are to have him in our lives!!
Wyatt also got some money from Grandparents, a shirt from Great Grandma huntsman and his own Checkers game and boogie board from Grandpa and GG.
It was a good birthday and I hope he felt how much we love him and how grateful we are to have him in our lives!!