Wednesday, March 18, 2015

February 13, 18- March 9

My boys sure do love going to the park. Wyatt has gotten really good at holding on while on the big swings, and they LOVE swinging together! 

Pretending to cook each other food! 

I love that it got hot enough in February to be able to be outside enjoying some popsicles! :-) 

Love these boys! 

These boys crack me up! haha

We have huge boxes in our garage from when we bought our couch from Sam's. So I decided to take one down and break it down to throw it away. The boys were ecstatic when I put it down and Ethan asked if it was their hide out. So I let them play in it for a little bit while I figured out how I was going to break it apart. They thought it was so much fun! 

Little do they know that we will be putting the other box in the basement when we get it finished so they can have it be a little fort downstairs! I think they will love it! :-) 

Somebody was tired! haha

This is Wyatt attempting a wink! 
He is such a silly kid!! 

At the park one day the boys were going around and cleaning up a bunch of trash and I tried to get a picture but they dropped the trash to fast. So it just looks like I am taking a picture of grumpy children by a trash can! haha 

Wyatt is such a goof!! We sure can't get enough of him! 

Wyatt was being grumpy one day and wouldn't eat his lunch. So after me telling him over and over again he started to pout. So he laid on Ethan's lap and Ethan started singing songs to him! haha It was pretty cute! Ethan is so sweet to his brother when he wants to be! 

I had to take the boys to my Doctors appointment and they did such a good job. Wyatt kept telling me to lay down on the chair! haha They are such cute boys! 

I gave Wyatt a piece of toast with Nutella on it! I think he liked it! Haha

Helping Daddy make popcorn! 

What a cutie!! 

Wyatt was taking pictures of me with my phone! This was the only one that was not super blurry! 

When Wyatt wakes up too early and I am not ready to get up I let him play some games so I can lay down for a little more! 

Brandon was playing Mario Cart on the Wii and Wyatt was making this face! haha I guess it was a scary part! :-) 

Brandon and I got on a much needed date night and went to P.F Changs for dinner. We had to wait for about 40 minutes for a table and we were hungry so we headed to See's candy to grab a little pre dinner snack! :-)

 We sat down outside and then realized where we were sitting! haha Ya we are weirdos! :-)

We are enjoying the sun going down later now that spring is coming and with the time change it is not getting dark until 7. So after running some errands and after dinner I decided to let the boys ride their scooters outside! They LOVED it!! 

Plus they looked so cute!! 

Yes this may look like a random picture to have on here, but Wyatt saw them and told me to take a picture of the tigers! haha He thought they were pretty awesome! 
I sure do love my boys!!! I am so lucky to be able to stay home with them every day even though it gets frustrating! I wouldn't have it any other way!! 

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