Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Family Pictures 2015

When we went to California in January my mom took some family pictures for us! I just got them a couple of weeks ago and so now I can finally post them! :-) 

So I thought I would give a little update on my family. 
Ethan: I can't believe how grown up Ethan is getting. He has so much energy and likes to boss his brother around when they are playing together. He likes to make up names for things that already have a name and has just started to play with some neighborhood kids and loves it. We have upgraded his bike and now he rides his bike so fast that we cant keep up with him unless we are riding our bikes. He Loves preschool and has been getting better with recognizing letters and their sounds. He also likes it when we gets babysitters for them (although it doesnt happen very often). Ethan also has started a little game with us at dinner time. Anytime we sit down to dinner together as a family we play a little game of "who likes?" The person will ask if anyone likes a certain food or thing to do and then we all have to raise our hands and say "I do" if we like it too. Then its the next persons turn! Ethan LOVES to play this game at dinner time! It gets pretty silly sometimes! Ethan is such a good boy! Although he may not listen to me much, he is really good for everyone else. Which I am grateful for! He is so excited for their little baby brother to join our family and has been saying in his prayers lately, "bless that the baby will come out of mommies tummy soon!" haha I sure hope he is as excited about his baby brother when he is actually here! haha 

Wyatt: Wyatt has started to get more attitude. He seems to get a kick out of patrinizing his brother sometimes. He loves to ride scooters and bikes with Ethan and they both play so well together most of the time! Wyatt says some funny things. He will sometimes say, "dernet" as he shakes his head. He also likes to say, "I dont know" and his new ones are, "what we gonna do?" and "umm probably" haha I love hearing him say funny little phrases. One night Brandon and I went on a date and when we got back the babysitter told me that she had sniffed or something and Wyatt asked her if she has boogers and needs a tissue. Then he goes and gets her a tissue to blow her nose. He comes back with a tissue and puts the tissue to her face and so she kind of blows her nose and Wyatt says, "Good Job" haha He makes me laugh so hard sometimes! He is just growing up too fast! He has gone poop in the toilet a couple of times and the couple of times he has he looks at his poop afterwards and says it looks like a doughnut! haha I don't quite get how it looks like any of the doughnuts he eats but oh well!! haha He is just such a cutie and I wish I could just keep him at this age forever!! I dont want him to grow up! I wish I could get his whole life on video so I could always remember how he was at this age! He is so much fun right now and I just love it! 

Brandon: Brandon has been working away in his partnership at Comfort Dental. He enjoys the guys he is a partner with but he has a hard time with how many medicaid patients he has. He is just pulling teeth all the time and making people mad at him because there is nothing else he can do. He rarely gets patients that actually appreciate the work he is doing for them and sometimes gets yelled at because the people are on medicaid and can't get the stuff done that they want to get done under medicaid! It has been hard on him. The hours are long on both of us and he never imagined himself being a garbage man of Dentistry. Just a few weeks ago he got offered a job with one of his buddies in our ward. It is his dream job! It is more of the cosmetic side of dentistry and Brandon grew to love in Dental School. So it has been a crazy couple of weeks trying to figure out how to sell the partnership that he is in and get into the Practice that he wants to be in. We will most likely loose money on the sell which stinks but if it makes Brandon happy that is all that matters in my book. Plus he would be working in Fort Collins about 15 minutes away from where we live! He would be home every evening and the weekends. He had to take some nasty words from one of the corporate guys after telling them that he was getting out of dodge. It will be nice to not have to deal with these corporate people again. Especially after one of the guys telling Brandon that he was a dishonest man and some other junk! It just made Brandon even happier to get out of Comfort Dental after being treated like garbage! So we are moving onto yet another practice! This should be the last and final work transition for us! It is the construction side of Dentistry that Brandon loves and the hours that we always thought he would work as a dentist! So it will be a good change. It may be crazy for the first little bit since we are changing jobs right around having a baby and he may have to work both jobs for a little bit until the partnership sells but it will be worth it in the long run! 

Me: Well I am just plugging away still. I have 6 weeks left of this pregnancy and I can't wait to have this little guy here and not inside of me anymore! haha I have been keeping busy with trying to get our house clean and in order and running around with our crazy boys. Bed times have been the hardest lately because the boys are sharing a room and it takes them over an hour to go to sleep. We have to make the boys cry every night it seems in order for them to actually calm down, stop jumping on and off beds, running around screaming and finally going to sleep. So other than trying to wrangle in my boys, get stuff done around the house and relax my life is pretty good! It will be even better after this little baby arrives and I can start to get back to my old self! 

So that is about it for our family in a nut shell! I sure do love my family!!  

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