Wednesday, January 27, 2016

7 months old and so cute!!

Well our little Emmett hit the 7 month mark on January 15th. Time is flying by so fast and he is just so much fun to have in our family. He is really a happy boy. The only thing we wish would change is his sleeping at night. haha It would be so nice if he would start to sleep through the night. He has started to get better and only gets up one time if we feed him right before we got to bed around 11 and he has eaten a descent amount of baby food and had drank the formula he should have for the day. Other wise he will get up twice. I am so ready to be able to sleep through the night. Oh well, some day it will happen and then I will not know what to do with myself! haha A little more about Emmett, he LOVES to be tickled! He is super ticklish and laughs so hard. Anytime I tickle him on the neck and then make the bee buzzing sound and moving my finger around he will lift his shoulder and scrunch his face to his shoulder and smile. He is ticklish just about anywhere on his body! haha I absolutely LOVE it. He is rolling everywhere these days. He finally got down both ways a couple of weeks ago and now he goes where ever he wants to and get to his toys and other things that may be on the floor. No crawling yet, he does his little mirman move all the time. He will see something he wants or get excited and instead of keeping his arms out in front of him he flings his arms back and kicks his legs as fast as he can. haha It is seriously the funniest thing to watch and it never gets old. As for gabbing he likes to say da, ga, ba, and some other sounds along with gurgling and squealing. Sometimes he says da multiple times together and Ethan gets all excited and tells us that he said "dada" haha it does sound like dada but it is never when he is looking at Daddy so it doesn't count! haha I am still trying to get him to say mama but it is not working. Emmett is not the biggest fan of baby food. He will get through about 1/4 of a container of the 1st foods baby food (which isn't much food) and then get fussy and want to get out of his chair and move on to better things. I wonder if he will be better when he gets to finger foods. Maybe he just gets bored with my shoving the spoon in his mouth when he would rather be in charge... who knows! haha He won't hold his bottle really yet. He can, and has, but he would rather play with his hands or a toy while I hold the bottle. haha Sometimes the only way to get him to drink more than 2 ounces is to let him hold a little toy and then he will keep drinking his bottle. Other wise he wants to roll around and play. Yes, it is already starting! The struggle to get my kids to eat when they want to play is a very hard task and it is starting with Emmett already!! We also have found out that Emmett is allergic to squash. Ethan and Wyatt loved squash as babies so naturally I bough a bunch of it. While Emmett was getting better from his ear infection I tried to get him to eat any kind of baby food. I finally tried squash and he did ok with it the first night. The next day he ate is really well and seemed to like it. However, after his afternoon nap that day he woke up with a red spot of his cheek. After about an hour it spread across his cheek and then an hour after that it went away. Then after his next nap it happened on the other cheek. At first Brandon thought maybe it was the almonds that he had touched and then touched Emmett's cheek. So the next day we tried squash again and it happened again. Along with the flush on his face he kept spitting up little bits here and there. He is not a big spitter upper, so I thought that was weird too. Then during naps and at night time he would whimper while he was sleeping. So I figured something was up. That with the flush on his cheeks we came to the conclusion that it was the squash. So we stopped giving him squash and it went away and didn't happen again. Then about 2 weeks later I gave him an on the go baby food that had fruit and zucchini in it. He loved it, but, the rest of the day was spent with him being clingy, whiny and spitting up little bits here and there. Finally by 9 that night after another short nap he was finally happy and giggling again. So it seems to be the squash family. Which like Brandon was saying, "there are worse things he could be allergic too." which I totally agree. He is not missing out all that much if he can't have squash! haha So between getting colds off and on all this season, an ear infection and being allergic to squash which caused tummy issues not wonder he is not a fan of baby food. haha So we are hoping that he won't be allergic to anything else and that we can get him to start eating better. Oh ya, on top of all of this going on he is teething! haha It has been a crazy at our house needless to say. Lots going on for our little man! One of his bottom teeth is through and the other bottom tooth is about to break through any day now. His top 2 front teeth are also very close to making their appearance. Hopefully after those come in he can have a break for just a little bit so that he can be more comfortable for a while. Of the baby food that he has tried his favorites seem to be pears, peaches, carrots, and sweet potatoes. He will eat green beans for a few bites and then I have to mix it with some other fruit and then he will eat a little bit more, which is the same for peas as well. He only sort of likes apples. My guess is that the apples that he is getting in the baby foods are pretty tart. He is not the biggest fan of tart foods. He makes a face and pushes his tongue between his lips as if it was really sour to him. haha He really didnt seem to like bananas, but in all reality, I wouldn't either. Those bananas look so gross. He will like bananas when he can have them in chunks instead of pureed. Oh ya, I have to mention that Emmett who is 7 months old still wants to be swaddled. haha Yes, he will not go to sleep if he is not swaddled. If you put him in bed without his arms tucked in he will grab his binkie out and throw it and roll over and then cry because he can't roll as much as he wants to. Sometimes we can get away with having one arm out. Most of the time at least for naps during the day we have to wrap him up. When he wakes up he still rolls over even with his arms still tucked in. Or he will get his arms out after he goes to sleep and roll to his side to sleep. He just wants to start in the swaddled position and then if he gets his arms out by choice than he is sometimes ok with it. haha In the middle of the night is the only time we can get away with just wrapping his torso. haha Someday he will be ready to not be swaddled but that time is not yet! haha Anyways,  the boys still think he is so funny and love to hear him jabber and they love it when I have Emmett fly after them and chase them down. haha Well, I think that is about it for our little man right now. He is just a joy to have in our family and we love him so much!! 
Enjoy the pictures! 

 I think Emmett was nervous with the boys around him. Haha He wouldn't smile at all! haha

Look at our handsome boys!! 

We sure do love our little Emmett and we are so excited to be able to keep watching him grow and show more personality! 

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