Tuesday, June 27, 2017

To Idaho we go.

At the end of May we headed off to Idaho to go pick up Brandon's parents boat for the summer. Ethan had to miss his last day of school so we could take advantage of the long holiday weekend. We headed out earlier in the morning in order to make it to Utah for lunch so we could fill our tummies with some yummy IN-N-OUT. 

Apparently IN-N-OUT made Emmett turn into the Hulk and he kept trying to life my diaper bag! haha 
After some delightfull lunch we headed the last few hours to Idaho Falls. Sadly, we hit major traffic just past Pocatello and it delayed our drive another hour. We arrived in Idaho later then expected and headed straight for Great Grandma and Grandpa Murri's house. 

The kids were so excited to see them and ran up to them to give them hugs. Grandpa Murri hurt his back a while back and you could tell he was still in a lot of pain. It was good to see them and let the kids see them again. 

Then we headed to Grandma Huntsman's house and she fed us dinner. It was very nice of her to feed us that night. The next morning we headed out to go golfing with our boys.

The boys LOVE golfing and they couldn't wait to get out to the golf course. It is always a little crazier than we hope for because the boys are always running around like wild animals! haha

After golfing we headed over to Brandon's cousin Ambers house for a barbecue and to catch up with almost all the Murri side! It was a blast and there were a TON of little boys running around it was fun to watch! 

After the partying Brandon headed off to golf with Carlan and I took Ethan and Wyatt and Emmett back to Grandma and Grandpa Murri's house so Emmett could nap. But... we had to stop and get snow cones first of course!!! :-) 

Then we decided to take the boys to Big Juds and let them experience a hamburger that was bigger than their heads. haha

As you can tell by their faces they were amazed!! haha 

On Sunday we went to church with Grandma Huntsman and after church we headed to walk around the temple grounds with the boys! 

It was fun to get outside and walk around the Temple and go to the visitors center for a few minutes. A very nice Sunday activity! 

Love my little family!

We also drove by Brandon's parents old house! It was weird driving by their old house remembering all the fun times! 

Getting the boat ready to head home Monday morning!

haha Such a cute little boy!! I love this little man!!! :-) 

My cute boys with their Great Grandma Huntsman! 

My boys had so much fun with Grandma Huntsman. They played at her house for hours just playing with her old marble game! It was so cute to find them all playing at her house. 

Sunday night we had an enjoyable dinner with Grandma Huntsman and played some more in the backyard before calling it a night. 

On our way home we stopped in Utah to see my brothers. We headed into Salt Lake city to play at a park for a little bit with Weston and Hayley and their now 3 little ones and David and Hayley. It was fun! 

Weston and Hayley's newest addition! 

It was a fun outing but it got hot really fast and we decided to call it quits and head to IN-N-OUT to cool off and have some yummy food before heading the rest of the way home! 

It was a great ending to a great trip! We got to see so much family on our trip and that always makes our trips so much fun! 

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