Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Our Boys!

It has been a while since I have done a quick update on just the boys! So here it goes!

I can't believe Ethan will be 9 this summer. He is just looking so grown up it is crazy! He has finally started to get a little bit better with getting his homework done instead of fighting me on it. He is also getting a lot better with his reading. He is still not exactly where he should be but he has improved a lot. His teachers seemed pretty worried about how slow his progress was and we met a few months ago talking about if he needed even more interventions than he is already getting. He is still getting extra literacy help. He is such a smart kid so it was weird to have them mention possible special education help. He just didn't apply himself until this year. After the past couple of months he has gotten so much better at his reading though and I thing with a little more work and some tutoring over the summer he will catch up to his other class mates. Other than reading he does well in school. He was having a hard time in the beginning of the year with math but caught up in that area. He has become obsessed with basketball. That is all he wants to do these days. He plays knock out at school during recess and tells us about it each evening during dinner. That is normally what he mentions is either his good or bad thing for the day. He loves to play pig in the basement with his brothers and Dad. He still does not like to do chores on Saturdays and fights us on it a lot of the time. He will also still hit his brothers sometimes and boss them around. But, for the most part he is a really good big brother. He has also gotten really good at getting himself breakfast in the morning and has helped get Wyatt and Emmett breakfast too. Which is really nice! He is growing up so fast and we sure do love him! 

This kid has such a funny little personality. When he gets around his friends at school he has this cool dude persona that he gives off. He definitely likes to be funny and act cool around his friends. He loves basketball but not as much as watching movies still. He is my screen time fanatic. If there is anything on a screen he can't help but watch it. Whether it is watching his brother doing his reading game on the computer, something his Dad has playing on his phone, the nintendo or just TV in general he can't get enough. He still asks me almost everyday if he can watch something as soon as he gets home from school. Lately, he wants to watch something while he is eating lunch. Part of the problem is that I have not cared all that much how much they watch or play because I am tired. So I think I have helped feed the monster. haha Other than that he plays with Emmett and is doing really well in school. He is catching onto reading actually really well and is at or above where he should be with most things in school. Which is really nice to not have to worry about him. He actually wants to learn to read which is nice. He still likes to tell "stories". When we ask him what happened that day or ask him a question about something we have to ask him if it is real or just a story. He has gotten better but he still likes to alter the truth a little bit here and there. He does tell us that it is just a story after he tells it though. Which in the past we would have to ask him. haha He is such a funny kid and I can't believe how fast he is growing up either. 

This little boys is finally sleeping through the night!!! I think that is the biggest thing I can say about him right now! haha Once we stuck him in the room with his brothers he started sleeping through the night. Maybe he was just getting scared being all by himself at night so he kept waking up and coming into our room so that he knew someone was there? I don't know! All I know is that we are so happy that he is finally sleeping through the night! He loves being in with his brothers. The morning before we moved him in with them he had gotten up super early and climbed into bed on the top bunk with Wyatt. When I made him get back into his own bed he started crying saying that he wanted his brothers. So we decided to try it out and he did great! It has been a miracle! After almost 4 years he is finally sleeping through the night! haha He has also started to actually play with his brothers well. He likes to play pretend with them and play hide and seek. He has also gotten into the nintendo and wii and they like playing that and taking turns together. He has started to buckle himself recently which is nice and likes playing basketball in the basement as well. He has become a little liar though which is not fun. I will ask him if he has washed his hands after he goes to the bathroom and he will tell me yes. Then when I tell him to come over so I can smell his hands he wont let me and will then tell me he didn't. We have had to threaten him with putting soap in his mouth many times. He has only gotten soap in his mouth once and that was for something entirely different. So he knows he doesn't like it and doesn't want it. So as soon as I tell him that he will get soap in his mouth if he is lying he changes his mind and tells the truth. Such a little stinker. He is a pretty timid little guy when it comes to new things and it is so cute when he is being shy. I think he is the most shy out of the 3 of them. He is signed up for preschool for next year so hopefully he enjoys it and isn't too nervous for it! I have started to work with him on his colors because he was messing those up still and he is almost 4. haha He loves doing his colors paper because it is an m&m paper and he gets to eat the m&m's when he is done. haha He still messes up on brown and yellow but he has gotten a lot better with them. Now to expand to other colors. haha We also are starting to work a little bit on his alphabet. We shall see how that goes!  I think that is him in a nutshell! We love our stubborn little Emmett!! 

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