Sunday, March 29, 2020

9 months old already!!

Kayden also hit 9 months old while the cousins were here. I still can't believe how fast he is growing up. It is fun and sad all at the same time. On Sunday the 16th of February Kayden hit 9 months old and had his first tooth finally pop through. All of our other boys had their first teeth around 6 months old so it was crazy having his tooth not come in until he hit 9 months. We were sure glad when it finally popped through. He had been a little grumpier than usual and I was ready for his tooth to come through so we could have our sweet happy Kayden back. 

Look at that sweet face!!!

Kayden has been such a joy in our lives. He has been doing such a great job with army crawling. He is getting faster and faster each day. He will say, "mama" quite often and I think I am counting it as his first word. haha He has been becoming difficult with bottle feeding. He is so bored of bottles that when I try holding him and feeding him he gets all upset after a few minutes and tries getting away. So we have had to start feeding him while holding him and then when he starts to wiggle we put him on the couch and hand him something to play with while we hold his bottle so that he will drink the rest. What a little stinker he is. haha It will be nice when he doesn't need bottles anymore just for that reason. At 9 months old I was still waking him up at night to feed him a bottle. He was not getting much formula during the day. He just seemed so bored that he could care less to drink a lot. I knew he would drink a full bottle late at night so I kept doing that. Plus I was then able to cuddle with him which is always a plus!! Especially since I was going to be leaving for a week soon and I wanted to get as many cuddles in as I could! I am so glad that he is such a happy baby! He has been such a joy and I just love that he is happy in the mornings when he wakes up. Some times he doesn't even make noises when he wakes up from a nap. He just rolls around and I will check on the monitor because I think I hear something and sure enough he is in his bed awake just hanging out. It is so cute!! We sure do love our sweet little Kayden and are excited to see what the future brings with him in our family!!!  

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