Monday, June 14, 2021

Kayden is 2 already??

 Not only did we have a fun May but Kayden turned 2!! I still can't believe he is 2 already! He is such a sweet little boy! We started celebrating Kayden's birthday on Saturday since his actual birthday was on Sunday. So we did our usual birthday morning of coloring a birthday crown and going to get donuts. 

He was not a fan of wearing his birthday crown but he kept it on for long enough to get donuts. 

He looked so cute standing there looking at the donuts that were left wearing his crown. 

He is such a sweet little boy!! I just love that cute little face! 

We got this little toy from our neighbors while they were selling it at our neighborhood garage sell. Kayden LOVED it!! It was a great purchase. 

Later we took off to go do some mini golfing. We figured it would be super fun for everyone and that Kayden would like it too. 
Well, Kayden was not a fan. He was ready to leave as soon as we started. haha He tried walking off after the first hole. haha 

Then he saw water and everything changed. He was happy to play when their was water involved. 
Emmett and Papa were the only ones to get a hole in one! 

All of us except for Kayden had fun golfing! haha 

Look at that cute little face!!! 😍 

Can't believe he is 2!! He has grown up so much!! 

The morning of his official birthday we let him open up his presents from Grandma and Grandpa Murri and Grandma Huntsman!

He was so happy to have a sucker from Grandma Huntsman! haha 

Then after church and his nap we made some homemade pizzas and then opened presents. 

Kayden liked this puppy until it started to walk towards him. haha The funniest part about that was that he would be the one pushing the button. haha 

The rest of Kayden's presents were trucks and a car book. Kayden was loving all the trucks he got. After opening a bunch of truck presents and then opening up his puppy one the next one he opened he said, "truck" as he was unwrapping it. haha It was so funny! He was so happy each time he saw another truck! 

I tried to get a picture of Kayden with his trucks and this is what Kayden did. haha He jumped up on the couch and said cheese behind the pillow. haha Silly kid! 

Then it was time for cake! 

Kayden liked his truck cake! 
The best part was that the day before when I had made his cake and put it in the fridge I went to get something out of the fridge and Kayden saw it and said, "cool tuck". I didn't even realize that he had seen it when I opened the fridge door! It made me happy that he realized it was a truck from the quick look he got of it. 

He was so funny while we were singing Happy Birthday to him. He didn't flinch the whole time we sang. 
Then as soon as we got to the end of the song he perked up and smiled and got ready to blow out his candles. 

It took a while to blow out the candles for him but with the help of Daddy he made it happen. 

He ate a little bit of the cake and then gagged on the frosting. haha He gags on the funniest things!! At least it looked good! haha 

Kayden did not want to look at me for pictures so Papa forced his head up for one. haha 

Then he finally looked and gave me a smile. 

Kayden brings so much joy to our family! He has such a funny little personality and makes us laugh so much. He loves "cool cars" and in the last couple of weeks before his birthday he started to love trucks. He became fascinated with the garbage trucks when they would come by on Tuesdays and would want to see them. He would say, "Mom, cool tucks. See" and lift his arms out for me to pick him up and take him to the window to see the trucks. He has started to play with cars better. I can now leave him by the toy cars and he will actually play with them for a little bit. Sometimes I will go downstairs with him and then when I have to go grab something I will tell him and he will say bye to me. He says a lot more words these days and it is fun to hear him putting different words together into 2-3 word sentences. He is also a gagger. He will gag when he sees something he thinks is gross or something that he doesn't like the texture of. He gagged because Brandon tried to feed him scrambled eggs. I tried to feed him a noosa yogurt and as I lifted the spoon with it on to feed it to him he gagged. Then one evening after giving him a bath I was putting lotion on him and he usually likes to have some lotion squirt in his hand so that he can rub it on his tummy. Not the last couple of times. He will look at the lotion in his hand and start gagging. haha It makes me laugh every time he does it. He still takes a solid 2 1/2 hour nap or a little longer every day and he still loves his blanket and binkie. If the gate is left open he will still run upstairs to grab his binkie and say, "nigh night" only to come back downstairs and play while he sucks on it. He loves to be outside and has started to say, "eat out side". I usually don't let him because he wont eat he just ends up playing which is typical. Another funny thing that Kayden does is if Brandon and I are doing an exercise downstairs and have to lay down to do chest press he will basically sit on me or Brandon while we are trying to do it. haha He feels like he has to be sitting super close or on top of us if we are trying to exercise. If Kayden is doing something he knows he is not supposed to do he will still say hi and or give you a huge smile. Its like he knows he isn't supposed to be doing it but if he smiles really cute we wont stop him or he wont get in trouble. haha He has started to throw more tantrums when he doesn't get his way which I am not excited about but at least they are still cute tantrums. Plus he will go right into time out if I even mention it. Then he is happy as soon as he is done with time out. So I will take that! haha He brings so much joy into our family and we can't imagine life without him. Now if time would just slow down a little bit so I can enjoy this little phase for a little longer that would be great!! It has been fun to watch him be able to play on his own the last little bit though. Just gives me a break from stopping him from getting into everything every second of the day. We sure do love him! 
Happy Birthday Sweet Little Kayden!!

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