Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Handy Man

Well Brandon is my handy man. He loves to work on different projects around our house. We have done lots of things to our house since we have moved in and we just finished another project for Valentines Day. Well last Thursday the three of us went to two different stone places to find what we wanted to rock our fireplace with. We found the perfect rock to put on our fireplace and decided that we Brandon would rock our fireplace during his break. However, that night I could hardly wait to put it up so Brandon and I started working on getting the fireplace ready to lay the rock on. It was not finished until Valentines Day because Brandon had a campout Friday night to go on with the young men and Saturday we were able to go out to dinner with Brandon's cousin Aaron and his wife (which was a lot of fun). So after having stuff all over our floor basically since Thursday night we were finally able to enjoy our night on Valentines Day just starring at our newly rocked fireplace. We love it and Brandon did such a good job. :-)

This is what our fireplace looked like before.

After we tore off the little mantle (at like 10:00 p.m on Thursday night) that was on the wall, there was a big hole so we covered it with the drop cloth. If we had not covered it then it would have been freezing in our house in the morning because of the draft coming from the hole.

Then once Brandon got home from school Friday morning we went to work. He put a piece of wood to cover up the hole.

We decided to cover up the inset so putting some wood posts was the first step.
Then we screwed backer board on to those wood pieces to finish closing up the inset.
My job was to completely cover up our fireplace and mantel with tape and plastic bags.
I did such an amazing job! haha

Then Brandon put up the lath and then after getting that secure he started to put up the scratch coat of mortar.

So here is after the scratch coat was up and everything is taped off.

Half way done with putting up the rock!

FINISHED!!!! We love it so much!!

I had to get a picture of the whole wall just to let you see how it all looks! :-)
We love how it turned out. Brandon did such a great job on it and he is proud of his work, and he should be. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband! :-) Our Valentines Day was spent finishing this up and it was nice to have it done and cleaned up so we could just enjoy it that night. Brandon also got me some Ralph Lauren perfume for Valentines! He is the best husband a girl could ever ask for. I am the luckiest girl to have such a wonderful husband as well as a wonderful son. I am truly blest!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Oh how time flies!

Well our little boy became 7 months old yesterday! I can't believe it was 7 months ago that we had our cute little boy. It has just gone by so fast. I love all of these new stages and at the same time I miss when he was so very tiny. Although, getting a good nights sleep is really nice! haha Ethan is getting so big and we are thinking that he may crawl soon except the last couple of days he has just been wanting to roll over instead of stay on his tummy which to me is frustrating because we want him to stay off of his head as much as he can. He loves to sit up by himself and he loves it when I sit him up in the tub. He really likes eating baby food except he gets distracted by things on his chair so sometimes it takes us a while to feed him! haha Anytime we are holding him and eating something he opens his mouth as we bring our food to our mouth. It is so funny because he wants what we are eating so bad all the time. haha He is just such a cute boy and we love him so much.

You can see his little teeth in this picture!

He loves being wrapped up in our big fluffy white blanket! haha

Although he has been grumpier than normal and has picked up this super loud scream when he is not getting what he wants, we still love him and can't get enough! I think he will be a lot happier when he can crawl because he can get to anything he wants! Well not anything but he can get to things instead of just starring at his toys not being able to get to them. haha

Friday, February 4, 2011

As of late

Well first of all Ethan has officially been teething! We have been wondering if he was teething for a while and about 2 weeks ago we were pretty sure we felt bumps on his gums one night that he was really grumpy and screaming and not sleeping very well. Then last week I could see white on his front bottom gums and last Sunday Brandon finally saw the white that I had seen. So we took a picture of his teeth coming in. He has done pretty well with teething. We only had probably 2 nights where he was up a lot crying but those times that he was up A LOT during the night we were not sure if he was teething or not. He has been sleeping really well other than those 2 nights but during the day he is pretty grumpy a lot of the day. He has recently picked up screaming when he is mad or when he cannot get to something and it is a very loud piercing scream. His right bottom front tooth broke through the gums on Wednesday and his left bottom front tooth broke through on Thursday. They have only surfaced so you can't really see them all that much yet but you can feel them! It is crazy to think of how different he will look when you can really see his teeth. Anyways so here is the picture we took on Sunday.

Look at those two front teeth coming in.

This is a common occurrence around our house these days. Ethan get his binky back in his mouth all of the time but he puts it in up side down, and he seems to like it that way because that is how he always puts it in! haha He is so funny and such a cute kid, even if he is grumpy a lot lately!

Ethan's acrobatics! haha
He has started doing this a lot in his jumper. It is so funny, he starts to look up and then ends up like this and just hangs there for a little bit and then gets mad because it takes some effort for him to get back up! haha

Mmmm Applesauce!!

So Ethan had a good amount of applesauce for the first time on January 22 and although he seemed to think it was a little sour he really liked it! He had just had a lot of carrots and then was eating a good amount of applesauce! He is a really good eater when it comes to baby food and I am having fun with feeding it to him! Well enjoy the video! :-)