Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Oh how time flies!

Well our little boy became 7 months old yesterday! I can't believe it was 7 months ago that we had our cute little boy. It has just gone by so fast. I love all of these new stages and at the same time I miss when he was so very tiny. Although, getting a good nights sleep is really nice! haha Ethan is getting so big and we are thinking that he may crawl soon except the last couple of days he has just been wanting to roll over instead of stay on his tummy which to me is frustrating because we want him to stay off of his head as much as he can. He loves to sit up by himself and he loves it when I sit him up in the tub. He really likes eating baby food except he gets distracted by things on his chair so sometimes it takes us a while to feed him! haha Anytime we are holding him and eating something he opens his mouth as we bring our food to our mouth. It is so funny because he wants what we are eating so bad all the time. haha He is just such a cute boy and we love him so much.

You can see his little teeth in this picture!

He loves being wrapped up in our big fluffy white blanket! haha

Although he has been grumpier than normal and has picked up this super loud scream when he is not getting what he wants, we still love him and can't get enough! I think he will be a lot happier when he can crawl because he can get to anything he wants! Well not anything but he can get to things instead of just starring at his toys not being able to get to them. haha

1 comment:

  1. Oh my heavens, that's a cute little boy! It will be so fun to see you guys again and get these little babies again.
