Friday, February 4, 2011

As of late

Well first of all Ethan has officially been teething! We have been wondering if he was teething for a while and about 2 weeks ago we were pretty sure we felt bumps on his gums one night that he was really grumpy and screaming and not sleeping very well. Then last week I could see white on his front bottom gums and last Sunday Brandon finally saw the white that I had seen. So we took a picture of his teeth coming in. He has done pretty well with teething. We only had probably 2 nights where he was up a lot crying but those times that he was up A LOT during the night we were not sure if he was teething or not. He has been sleeping really well other than those 2 nights but during the day he is pretty grumpy a lot of the day. He has recently picked up screaming when he is mad or when he cannot get to something and it is a very loud piercing scream. His right bottom front tooth broke through the gums on Wednesday and his left bottom front tooth broke through on Thursday. They have only surfaced so you can't really see them all that much yet but you can feel them! It is crazy to think of how different he will look when you can really see his teeth. Anyways so here is the picture we took on Sunday.

Look at those two front teeth coming in.

This is a common occurrence around our house these days. Ethan get his binky back in his mouth all of the time but he puts it in up side down, and he seems to like it that way because that is how he always puts it in! haha He is so funny and such a cute kid, even if he is grumpy a lot lately!

Ethan's acrobatics! haha
He has started doing this a lot in his jumper. It is so funny, he starts to look up and then ends up like this and just hangs there for a little bit and then gets mad because it takes some effort for him to get back up! haha

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