Friday, February 13, 2015

Trip to Cali part 1

On January 14th the boys and I headed out to California. We were sad to have to leave without Daddy coming with us but knew the time would go by fast and he would soon join us. So I went on my first plane ride with just me and the boys. They both did a great job. Wyatt didn't want to stay buckled but I was able to keep him in his seat with incentives, such as snacks and games. Thank goodness for the ipad and my phone because they played on them for almost the whole flight. 

Since Ethan sat in the window seat it was hard to get a good picture of him with the blinding sun in the background. But, at least you get the picture! They were super excited to go to Grandpa and GG's house. They got to have a soda on the plane and we brought head phones for both of them so they could watch a movie too just in case! So the plane ride went pretty smoothly and we were excited for all of the fun we were going to have in good ol California! 

Of coarse my boys had to catch colds when we got to Califonia and Wyatt ended up having a few times of waking up crying from naps because of his nose. This picture was taken after one of those times and after finally getting Wyatt calmed down we were able to help him be happier with some pirates booty chips and a movie! haha 

That Thursday after we arrived my sister Tifany came by and her and her hubby dropped off their little girl Ryan for us to watch while they went on a skiing trip for a couple of days. My boys loved seeing little Ryan and right when they got there Wyatt wanted to hold Ryan. Which I made the mistake of letting Wyatt sit and hold Ryan (who had just woken up and had not met my boys before). Ryan was not too happy about it. She started BAWLING!! haha That didnt stop Wyatt from wanting to hold her again though. They thought she was pretty cool until she would slobber on them or grab them, then they were not too cool about it. haha For instance, we went out to lunch with Tif and Q before they left and Wyatt had brought a toy in with him. He kept handing it back and forth with Ryan until she decided she wanted to stick it in her mouth. Wyatt got this disgusted look on his face, looked at the toy said, "slobber" and then pushed it away. haha We wiped the toy off and gave it back to Wyatt and then he did not want to share with Ryan again. haha 

Ethan had fun sitting by Ryan until she started to fall over onto him. He then tried to push her back up and away from him by pushing her forhead. haha It was as if he couldnt touch the rest of her. He could only touch her forehead with a few fingers to try and get her off of him. haha They seemed a little unsure of how to handle her. haha

Wyatt thought it was fun to sit by her. Then Ryan would look at Wyatt and grab at him which Wyatt would look at her and grab her hand and pushing it away from his face or shirt and would say, "Stop it baby!" Then he would hold onto her hand so she couldn't do it again.  

Other times Ryan would put her hand out and Wyatt would hold her hand. It was so cute!! I love this picture. Wyatt was talking to Ryan about what they were watching! :-) 

Ethan decided to help Ryan with tummy time! 

I love that he is touching her hand. He was so cautious and curious! It was pretty cute!! 

We had fun watching little Ryan. She is such a happy, smily baby!! She has the same problems as Ethan did with eating, so she doesnt care to eat. Other than that she is just a cute happy little baby and it was fun to hang out with her and have the boys meet her for the first time! 

During nap time one day my mom got out some new toys for the boys to play with. As she got them out she decided to lay then like this! Only in California would you ever see super heros like this! ;-) 

Then my mom let the boys go up into their garden area and pick her little yellow tomatoes and eat them! The boys LOVED it!! 

This was my moms doing! haha She decided to stick a tomato in her nose which got the boys wanting to do it! haha Silly GG 

They had a blast looking through the pants and eating all of her tomatoes. Im so glad my boys like tomatoes, even though I don't! haha 

Movie night with Grandpa and GG. 
We ended up watching Shrek 2. As we watched it we decided it probably was not the most captivating movie for a 2 and 4 year old! haha However, they sat through it and had fun. Then at the end of the movie Shrek is about to crown surf and everyone moves out of the way except for a little puppy. As Shrek lands on the puppy Wyatt looked back and me and Grandpa and said, "Puppy dead" with a scowl on his face! haha It was so funny!! That kid is so observant and just so smart! 
The boys also had a blast playing in the dirt! They spent hours out in this corner of the backyard filling up this bucket with dirt and then practically bathing in it! haha 

They got a lot of baths while we were at Grandpa and GG's house! haha

These three are so stinking cute! I sure hope they become good friends as they get older! :-)
Yay for cousins!!

We took this picture while at dinner and sent it to Daddy so that he could want to be with us even more! :-) 

This picture I just had to post and document. This is Wyatt's new thing to do. He will sit by me and just put his fingers in between mine and hold my hand. It is the CUTEST thing!! I just LOVE it. His little fingers are so tiny and yet he finds a way to make them fit around my fingers! He is such a mamas boy! He doesn't like anyone else putting him to bed for naps or nigh time. He always wants me to do it. If he is fighting going down for a nap at all we just have to ask him if he wants Daddy or anyone else for that matter to take him to bed. Which he then always replies, "No, mommy!" and then runs over to me and puts his head on my shoulder as I carry him to his room! Sad to say but he will cry (only for a few minutes) if it is Daddy's night to cuddle with him at bedtime! It sure makes me feel loved that it for sure!!
So since the boys have been sharing a room while at Grandpa and GG's house they have had a blast. A lot of times not going to sleep because they are having too much fun playing together. However there were a few really funny times that I have to remember.
So while sharing a room Wyatt kept getting out of bed a nighttime. So after so many time of him getting out of bed I told him that if he got out of bed again I would take away his binkie! As I leave I hear Wyatt start to whimper and Ethan then says, "It's ok Wyatt, I am here for you!" It was so cute!! Ethan was being so sweet to his brother and I thought it was the best thing to hear!! I sure do love it when they are sweet to each other! After he said that to Wyatt they went to sleep!
The other time was when they were taking taking a nap. Wyatt wouldn't go to sleep and so Ethan asks if he should tell him a story which Wyatt says yes to. So Ethan then tells him this story, "Once upon a time there was a princess and a prince and a bad witch and the prince saved the princess. The End!" Then Wyatt says, "another one?" Which Ethan told him no and to go to sleep. After that they went to sleep! Its times like these that I wish I had it on camera so I could replay their cute little voices being so loving to each other as I listen from the other side of the door! Im sure I will have more of these times when they do start to share a room at our house. At least I hope they have more of these sweet moments when they share a room! 

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