Wednesday, November 18, 2015

More of life from November 2-6th

Ethan is just loving school. He has so much fun and loves to show me the things he does each day. They also have things called specials, where they trade off doing art, PE, technology and one other thing that I can't remember. Since they are studying the presidents they made Mount Rushmore for one of their art projects. Super cute!! Ethan was so proud of it! :-) 

Wyatt just wanted me to take a picture of him too because I was taking a picture of Ethan! haha
At least my boys like to get their picture taken! :-) 

I guess this is just a guy thing and I guess it starts young! haha I couldn't help but laugh when I saw Wyatt sitting here on the couch like this. 

While Ethan is at school sometimes we practice ABC's with Wyatt. He gets all excited and says, "mom I was to practice my ABRS's" haha so funny!! 

Then he traced his hand!! Pretty good job for 3! 

I think it is funny that my boys fight sleep so much. I knew they needed naps and so I sent them to nap time. I could here some movement but then it got really quiet so I figured they had finally fell asleep. Then I found Wyatt like this as I went upstairs to get Emmett from his nap time. The funniest part it that he ended up sitting up and the switching and laying the other way on the stairs. Even funnier is that when he did wake up he didn't believe us when we told him he slept on the stairs. He kept saying that he didn't. So Brandon got out the phone and showed him the picture that I had taken. He was kind of in shock and just laughed that he had slept on the stairs. I don't know how he didn't know that he fell asleep on the stairs since that is where he was when he woke up! haha Silly kid! 

Instead of fight the boys with dinner and them wanting to watch tv we decided to just be cool parents and have a picnic in our living room and watch Enchanted! 

Wyatt had his jacket like this and said he was "married" haha Oh the things kids say! :-) 

Emmett is getting better at sitting in high chairs when we are out. This was the first time that he actually sat in one for more than 5 minutes. 

I have such a cute family! 

Ethan told me to take a picture of him eating his ice cream. I think I have more pictures of my boys because they tell me to take pictures of them! haha 

After Chick Fil A we put the boys to bed and Brandon and I got a little Date Night. 

Thats right... we put up a picture collage on our wall. It looks so much better than just having our mirror there. So we put this together and then went downstairs and watched something and ate some ice cream. A successful in home date night! :-) 

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