Thursday, July 28, 2016

Ethan sad 6th Birthday!

I still can't believe that it was 6 years ago that this cutie made me a mother!! I still remember holding him in my arms for the first time. It was a crazy, stressful and exciting new experience. It seems like just yesterday. We are so blessed to have him in our lives!!
 Ethan was pretty excited when he woke up that morning about his balloons. I had tied a flyer toy onto one of the balloons and Ethan was pretty stoked about it. Emmett decided to sleep in late that morning so while we waited for Emmett to wake up so we could go get donuts Ethan colored his birthday crown. While we did that Wyatt laid on the couch with a fever (he had woken up a couple of times the night before and had a fever. I was hoping it would have been gone by morning but it wasn't). So we waited for a while and closer to 10 I finally woke up Emmett so that we could go get donuts. Wyatt was not feeling good at all and just wanted to lay on the couch. So I carried him to the car and made sure to have his blanket since he said he was super cold and a bowl because his tummy was hurting him. We got to the donut shop and the selection was pretty sad since it was so late in the morning. We picked our a couple of donuts and then headed home. By the time we got home Ethan said that his tummy was hurting because he needed to go to the bathroom. He didn't really need to go to the bathroom he was just starting to feel sick too. He didn't want his donut and within a half hour he too had a fever. The rest of Ethan's birthday was spent with them laying on the couch watching T.V with bowls and medicine every few hours. So between naps and T.V it was a pretty sad birthday. They both felt terrible and Wyatt was throwing up. In fact Wyatt threw up as soon as we got home from the donut shop. I was glad I had brought a bowl in the car because as soon as I had lifted him out of the car he threw up into the bowl and then wiped his mouth off on my shoulder. I am seriously so lucky that I did not get sick. I felt so bad for them. Especially for Ethan because he had the flu on his birthday! 

 Ethan had a few moments where he had a little more energy and was a little happier. Emmett was super happy to give Ethan some hugs! :-)

By the time we got ahold of my parents to chat and have Ethan open his present from them he was not feeling good again and wanted to go to sleep. They got him these magnetic tile things that he loved the last time we were at their house. He didn't really show any excitement for the toy that they gave him because he was feeling so terrible again. However, when he was feeling better he played with these tiles and had a blast!

Even though he did get to open his presents that evening but we didn't have cake. We figured we would save that for a day when he felt better.  

 Here is Ethan's cake that we made. He really wanted a wolverine cake and party. We were able to deliver with the cake but the party had to be batman because there was nothing wolverine anywhere we looked. We didn't even end up eating the cake until Sunday because Ethan was still sick on Saturday. 
We were supposed to have Ethan's birthday party Saturday afternoon but had to postpone it because he was still not all the way better. Wyatt was still pretty sickly which was not good because Coya and John and their kids were getting to our house that afternoon. Coya is 7 months pregnant and I did not want her to get sick. So Saturday before they got to our house we sent the boys upstairs to watch some movies in the loft and I lysol sprayed the couches, floors, stairs and clorox wiped down handles and lights and chairs. It was a massive sterilization fest but I managed to kill the germs because no one else got sick. Luckily that evening Wyatt made a huge recovery and felt so much better. It was so sad seeing him having to lay upstairs when his cousins Mady and Decklyn were finally at our house. They had been looking forward to it for so long. So I was glad that by that night he was all of a sudden jumping around acting like hulk and had some malt and was so much happier. So we managed to have the sickness gone by the time everyone got to our house for the reunion which was so lucky!!! 
Oh and on another note... Emmett officially started walking in between Ty and Vandy leaving and everyone getting to our house. He finally got it down and is now just walking around everywhere. 
Lastly, I need an update on Ethan since this is supposed to be about Ethan's birthday. Ethan is still a stubborn kid but has been able to manage his temper so much more than he used to. I have had to have many talks with him about how he needs to calm the inner monster down. I have told him to pray and ask Heavenly Father to help him not be so mad in those situations and I do believe he has done it. He really is such a good kid. He definitely knows what he wants and doesn't want anything to stop him from getting it. I sure hope that he uses that for good as he gets older. He can be such a sweet heart too. He has been into telling me that he loves me as much as whatever number he can come up with. He is such a good big brother to Wyatt and although they argue sometimes I know that he would look out for Wyatt when it really matters. He loves to help Emmett out and especially likes to try and be the boss. He has a hard time with being told what to do. If I tell him that he can't boss Wyatt around he then responds with, "Well you boss me around." I then have to tell him that it is because I am the boss. haha I tell him that someday when he is a parent and has his own kids that he gets to be the boss. He LOVES to make new things out of nothing or create things from other toys. For example, he had a nerve shooting gun that he taped a cut straw to the barrel so that he could shoot a bebe out of it. He is really good with putting together legos that come with instructions to make trucks or bat mobiles or whatever he has gotten for gifts. He will sit and try to figure out his legos for hours if I let him in order to figure out how to put it together and he does a good job. He is getting better at making sense of words. He will read a word and if what he is saying doesn't sound right he thinks about it and then says what it actually is. He is super excited for 1st grade and to be able to have lunch at school. He really is such a joy to have in our family. He is goof ball, tender heart and stubborn little boy and we can't imagine our family without him!! We sure do love him!! Can't wait to see what this next year brings for him! 

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