Thursday, August 27, 2015

Family Reunion

On August 12th Brandon worked a half day so we could take off to Idaho by lunch. I spent the morning running around the house trying to get the last of the things packed that we needed packed. It was a very busy morning. I also wanted to give Emmett some tummy time since he was not going to get any the rest of the day. So right before leaving Emmett had a bottle and then I put him on his tummy. I had Ethan watch him while I put the rest of the things in the car to leave. I told him to tell me if Emmett spit up so I could come get him. So Ethan laid there with Emmett and watched him and talked to him. Then after a few minutes Ethan yells "Mom he spit up!!!" I ran over and turned Emmett over and he had spit up all over his face. I told Ethan what a good helper and good big brother he was to let me know when he did. I told him that it was so good of him to help me out and watch Emmett because he helped keep Emmett safe since Emmett could have choked on all that spit up if he laid in it. I think Ethan felt pretty good that he had helped out so much and had kept Emmett safe. Ethan than said to me, "when I was a baby I spit up a lot! Haw mom?" haha He also gags whenever Emmett has boogers or spits up. Thankfully the spit up does not happen very often! haha Anyways, I had to keep telling the boys to stay out of the car (since we were going to be in the car for a long time) while I packed up the rest of the stuff. Then we headed to go pick up Brandon. He had to drop of the Honda at the car dealership to get a recall repaired. So we headed to go get him and grab some lunch and then get on the road and made the trek to Idaho. I was kind of worried about how the drive would go since Emmett doesn't like his car seat. So we put Emmett in the very back so that I could go sit by him when I needed to. Ya, that ended up being a least half of the drive! He had such  hard time sleeping in the car. He would keep getting woken up from the bumps in the road. So his eating and sleeping schedule got completely messed up. He would act like he wanted to eat so I would take him out and feed him. He would then drink about 2 ounces and then be done. Then it would take him a while to fall asleep and then he would wake up and cry and then fall asleep. Then he would act like he was hungry again. We wasted a good amount of formula on both the drive to Idaho and the drive home. Ethan and Wyatt did a good job like usual. They did ask quite a few times if we were to Grandma and Grandpa's yet but other than that they did a great job. I guess having 2 easy road trippers out of the 3 of them is pretty good. We had to have a hard one sometime! I must say that night he slept like a champ! The whole time we were in Idaho he slept GREAT! It was so nice! We had a bunch of fun in Idaho. We did lots of stuff like going to a trampoline place called I-Jump and going golfing as well as the fun with the reunion. So it was a fun and busy trip! 
Enjoy the pictures! 

After crying and crying I finally got him to sleep with him holding my thumb! I have to say it was pretty precious!

 I have to take a picture every time we stop at IN-N-OUT on our trips to Idaho because we add an extra hour to our drive by going through Utah so we can eat here! :-)

 Ethan wanted to hold Emmett so we let him while I climbed into the back seat!

I-Jump time.

Towards the end of our hour at I-jump you could tell Wyatt was getting tired. He would jump into these sponge squares an then lay there and say he needed help getting out! haha 

We took the kids to the little junior course. The kids LOVED it! It was super hot though and they were all ready for some snow cones after! 

Having lunch outside while playing in the sprinklers! 

He fell asleep on his tummy again for tummy time! haha 

The Reunion Part 1: Rigby Lake 
So Friday night the Reunion was started with a Family Home Evening. Then Saturday was golf in the morning and then going to Rigby Lake to spend most of the day. The bees at the lake were AWFUL!!! They were everywhere! We spend a lot of the time swatting away bees from food and children. Luckily down closer to the water the bees were not as bad. Still not fun especially with little Emmett hanging around in the shade. Thankfully there were no bee stings on our side of the family. The Murri's rented some paddle boats and canoes and paddle boards for people to use. That made it more fun although the wind was pretty bad when you go out on the lake which made it hard to get back to shore! haha We all had more fun than I think we thought we would with the windy day that it was. 

Brandon and Grandpa took the boys out on the paddle boards. Ethan and Wyatt really liked it! 

Enjoying some lunch! 

When I got on the paddle board Wyatt tried to get on with me. I told him no because I didn't know how stable I would be. I thought I would probably end up falling in the lake so I didn't want him to come with me just in case I did. Wyatt got really sad that I left him. When I came back to shore he just hugged my leg and said he didn't want me to leave. I asked him if he wanted to go on with me still and he did but we never got the chance.

Emmett was so happy to just be laying down and covered so that he couldn't feel the wind. Oh and Brandon talking to him and trying to make him smile also made his super happy! :-) 

This was right before Mady threw up! We don't know why she threw up and thankfully she didn't throw up again after the lake! 

Wyatt was having a blast playing in and throwing the sand!

Although the bees were horrendous it still turned out to be a fun afternoon! 

The reunion ended with having dinner and ring toss at a park. The boys had a ton of fun playing on the playground and even playing some ring toss. 

Emmett just hung around and looked cute! :-) 

Ethan had so much fun with Grandma and Grandpa's legos. We found these two lego men wired together. haha He is such a funny kid!  :-)

After the reunion festivities on Saturday, we ended our fun trip playing some games with Bran's parents and sister. Then we got up the next morning after feeding Emmett and were on the road by 3:30. 

Everytime we drive to or from Idaho in the summer we always hit rain. So I took another picture of a pretty rainbow! :-) 

Thankfully because we headed home so early we were able to get home by noon. I had swaddled Emmett's arms before putting him in the car seat so that maybe he would sleep better and it actually worked. So for at least most of the early morning we had in peace. I ended up falling asleep off and on for a little bit and then around 9 that morning Brandon was having a really hard time staying awake so I told him to pull over and let me drive. So he did and we only had to stop for gas I think 2 times and we grabbed some drink from McDonalds around 11 or something like that. I needed something cold and caffeinated to give me a little boost. We arrived home in time to have some lunch and hang out with my parents the rest of the day since they were already at our house for David's wedding that Tuesday!

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