Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Life from July 13th-August 3th

Life has been so busy since we had little man. Between just trying to get used to little Emmett and playing with our other boys as well as having family in town and going out of town. It has been hard to keep caught up on my blog. So here are some pics of our life through the middle of July and into some of August.

It is so hard to not take pictures of this sweetheart while he is sleeping.

or while he is awake!! What a cutie pie!! 

My boys have been swelling up like crazy with every mosquito bite this summer. It drives me crazy that they will be in the backyard in the heat of the day and still get bit by mosquitos and have these massive swollen spots. 

Peas from our garden! We actually had some that were descent this year! 
The boys LOVED them!! haha I sure do love how much my boys love their veggies! 

Yay for green beans! 

Man he is such a cutie! This was taken when he hit his 1 month mark! 

 My boys are such goof balls! haha

I decided to try the wrap out and take the boys to the park. 

He was so snug and warm and just slept for a little while. Until he started to wake up a little bit and then he was super mad. He didn't like the wrap very much in the beginning. Thankfully I was able to finally wrap him right and I wore him around the house when he was having some rough afternoons. He would just sleep in the wrap and I could get cleaning done and cook dinner. It was really nice!! 

Look at that nasty tongue. White and looks like he had lint stuck on his tongue. We are pretty sure now looking back that he had Thrush for quite some time. Not positive, but we are thinking that it was.  

But.... he was still super cute even with his white furry togue! haha 

Anytime I tried to get a picture with this little man he would always look like he was scowling! haha 

Coya and Mady and Decklyn came to visit July 18th through the 26th  and the boys had a blast on the putting green. 

I just love to watch him sleep!! 

As Emmett started to smile more at us I kept trying to get it on camera. It always took quite a few shots to get some good ones. We sure do love his smiles!! 

After Coya and her crew left we finally got our carpet in the basement. Oh man does the carpet feel so nice. It is bad because now we wish we had put that carpet throughout our house. The rest of the houses carpet feels like sand paper compared to the carpet in the basement. The boys LOVE going in the basement and just rolling around on the floor and running around. They also play on that putting green all the time now! 

While Coya and her kiddos were at our place I got an infection. For some reason since I missed one pumping session I clogged up and got infected. It was a horrible day I felt completely terrible. It hurt with every step I took and I was aching in my shoulders and neck and had a headache pretty much all day. I felt nauseous and all I wanted to do was sleep. It was a terrible day. I finally took some norco that evening right before Brandon got home and then I fell asleep while Brandon and Coya took the kids to the pool. I was so dizzy from the norco and was getting the chills it was terrible. That night I did all I could to get the clog out. I fed Emmett and then would put a diaper full of hot water on me to help loosen the clog and then I would pump. This may be TMI but I even ended up giving myself a blood blister from pumping. It hurt so bad to nurse Emmett after that but I did it anyways. I felt much better that next day. It still hurt but it was getting better. Then once that was cleared up I started to have burning in between feedings. I would burn soo... bad! I just thought that maybe it was my milk coming back in and that it would eventually go away. However, it was hard to handle. We went swimming one afternoon and it hurt just to be in the cold water. I think I hurt the whole time we were at the pool. Then after a few days on Sunday I started to get clogged up on my other side and it hurt. I had just about had it with all the pain I was having and wanted to quit. I told Brandon I was done and started to start the process. However, I changed my mind again and decided I would try still. That didn't last very long. By that following Thursday we decided to switch Emmett to formula. He was starting to get pretty fussy and having a hard time sleeping at night. We started to really consider the fact that he could have thrush. So we figured we would switch and if it went away then it was thrush and if it didn't then we would go from there. So we figured we would switch him over to the bottle. It was actually really hard on me emotionally. I started to go through a little depression. I would just cry anytime I thought about the fact that I was no longer going to nurse Emmett. I just bawled to Brandon quite a few times and would cry every now and then throughout the day. I didn't feel like eating anything and the thought of eating made me feel sick to my stomach. It was a bad few days. It started to get a little better but I still was not myself for a least a week and would randomly start to cry. I would feel sick to my stomach whenever I thought about the fact that I had quite nursing and I would start to think that maybe I should try to start it back up again. I started to look into how to get my milk supply back up but decided that it would not be worth it because I would have to neglect Ethan and Wyatt more again and I couldn't do that to them. Plus Emmett's tongue was getting so much better and he was seeming to not be as fussy. Eventually the baby blues or whatever you want to call it went away. It took quite some time and Brandon was so good to just let me cry on his shoulder when he probably thought I was completely crazy! haha 

But, it was nice letting the boys help with feeding Emmett. 

They LOVED being able to try and feed Emmett! 

They would both take turns. It was pretty messy because they wouldn't hold the bottle far enough in his mouth so a lot of the milk would go all over, but, they had fun. Emmett elbow would sometimes rest right on Ethan's rib and Ethan would start to laugh and say that Emmett was tickling him! haha 

Wyatt has been getting potty trained. He just decided while Coya was over that he was going to go to the bathroom all by himself. He would just go to the bathroom randomly and pull his pull up down and go potty or poop in the toilet. Most of the time he would tell us as he ran into the bathroom that he needed to go. Sometimes however, he would just disappear and then come back and say he went poop or pee! It was awesome!! So Wyatt was able to get toys from his treasure chest. He Loved getting silly string. They would go outside and it would be gone within maybe 2 minutes! haha 
I also have to mention how much of a sweet heat Wyatt is. He is always thinking of others. He got a thing of mini oreos one time from his treasure chest and came over to Brandon and I and gave us one. Then on July 31he got a sucker for going potty in the toilet and he had another one that he handout eaten yet from the other night. He grabbed the sucker from the night before and went outside and gave one of the suckers to Ethan so they could both have one! I love how sweet he is!! 

These pictures were taken on August 1st. Which is the day that I got Emmett to giggle for the first time. I had him on my lap and was playing "Patty Cake" with him and he giggled. It was the cutest thing ever. Ethan got super excited about it too. He looked at me all excited and said, "that was Emmett's first giggle!" We were pretty excited. Then we got to tell Daddy about it when he got home later that day.

After getting the carpet in we decided to take our smaller tv downstairs and watch a movie all together after dinner one Sunday night. 
It was fun. We sure can't wait to get our couch down there and a big tv! haha 

Then one morning we had to go run some errands. I told the boys that if they were good we would go get donuts. They were super excited to get donuts and they were really good for me. So that is what we did! :-)  

These boys of mine!! haha They make me laugh all the time! :-) 

After grabbing donuts we headed over to daddy's office to say hi for a minute. 

The boys always love visiting daddy at work! :-) 

I know... so many pictures. But, who can resist a sweet face like this! :-) 

The boys have also been into playing ring toss! Ethan does a pretty good job and give this look like he is all that when he makes some in. haha We sure do have some funny and super cute boys! :-) 

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