Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Life during a Pandemic!

As we were in Idaho there were lots of places that we putting "stay at home orders" in place. When we got home on Sunday we saw the official news that Colorado's Governor officially places a "Stay at home order". So everything was closed except for grocery and restaurants. Restaurants were only allowed to do take out or delivery. Brandon was not allowed to do anything except re-cement on teeth. So he had 1 day a week where he would go in and glue on someones tooth that they broke off. He couldn't do anything else. He was not able to work for about 6 weeks. We also got an email from the school district saying that spring break was pushed back another 2 weeks. So now we were not going back to school until the second week in April. Which we started to doubt that the kids would go back to school at all. So once we were back home we started to get the kids to do a little bit of school work each day. Our routine was working out pretty smoothly. However, the next week each teacher started sending out their own learning plans for the kids. Then things began to become chaotic. Along with school work we tried to get some exercise each day. 

Me and the boys going for a job to get outside and get some exercise. 

Emmett's preschool teacher (Mrs. Jamie) started doing school packets for the kids. So every Tuesday we would go to her house and pick up a packet for Emmett. The packet had the activities for the week and there was a link in my email for a youtube video. Jamie recorded herself doing preschool so the kids could go through some of the routine that they did at preschool each day. Emmett loved watching it. 

Just getting some reading in. Each of the boys were given different dollar bill amounts to finish certain books. They were super excited to earn money from reading books. 

We also tried to enjoy being outside as much as possible. 

I brought this blankets outside thinking Kayden would stay on the blanket and just hangout with me outside. 

Nope.... haha 

Such a sweet face!!

He kept trying to climb over me to get to the grass. haha 

The sun felt nice but the breeze was pretty chilly. We didn't last too long outside. 

I think Kayden enjoyed being outside and getting some fresh air for a little bit though. 

This was a picture from our first week of home school. Emmett had a packet to do but the boys didn't have their stuff yet so they did packets that we already had at home. 

Brandon and I also had our first in home date night since the Pandemic started. We picked up some food from Longhorn Steakhouse. It was pretty tasty. A little bit expensive but, it was our date. When Brandon got home after picking up the food we opened up the containers and carefully put our food on our own plates and then washed our hands for 20 seconds. then after finishing up our food we threw way whatever was garbage and then wiped down things and washed hands again. Every time after that night I felt like eating out was a chore because we would carefully open up containers and have the kids grab the food or put it on our own plates and then wash our hands and wipe down whatever surface we had places those take out bags. It became more of a chore than enjoyable. 

Since Brandon was home for the forseeable future he started getting to work on some projects he had wanted to do. He started with organizing our storage room and adding more shelving. 

We also got out for pickle ball quite a few times. 

Anything to get out of the house for a little bit. Since the weather was nice we figured we might as well take advantage of it and get outside for some fun. 

Making good use of our diaper box. haha 
diapers were the other thing that people stocked up on and they didn't have much at the store. This little box of pampers was the only box of size 3 diapers that Brandon found at the store. So crazy!! Baby wipes were all gone too. I was glad that I had a big box of baby wipes that I had bought a long time ago. I am so glad that every time I buy something we use all the time I buy a lot of it. It has paid off during the pandemic. 

At first Kayden seemed nervous about being pushed around in the diaper box. Then he warmed up to it and loved it. 

Enjoying a fire outside. 

After having some really nice weather, the temperature dropped and we had a couple of colder rainy days. So we figured that having a fire and making smores would be fun before the rain came. The kids loved doing it and ate way too much sugar. haha 

We even let Kayden try some roasted marshmallow. He wasn't a huge fan. haha 

Then we had a really rainy cold day and after the kids got some work done and played we turned on a movie. We watched "Togo" with them and of course afterwards they wanted a dog. haha It is funny how just watching a movie with the kids and having popcorn felt like an escape from the reality of a pandemic going on. 

Look at that sweet little boy!!! He brings so much joy to our family!! 

Well, before we knew it conference weekend was coming up and the Prophet announced doing a world wide, faith wide fast for this Pandemic the Sunday before Conference. 

So we did and Ethan and even Wyatt joined in with us. 

That Sunday our ward tried to do a zoom Sunday meeting. 

The bishop said a few things and then 2 people were asked to have a few thought prepared. Then we had a closing song and a prayer. It was kind of a cool way to have church with our ward members even though we couldn't be together in person. 
Brandon and I then had a little bit of our own church meeting with our kiddos and then we got in our comfy clothes. 
The coolest thing about this pandemic and our "Church at Home" has been our lessons. The first lesson we had Brandon talked about Prophets and how important it is to listen to them. We were able to take the boys downstairs to our storage room and tell them that people were completely freaking out and buying up everything at the store right now. Brandon asked them if they felt scared that we wouldn't have enough food or even felt worried about the "Corona" as they call it. They said they hadn't felt anything like that. Brandon then said that it was because we have been prepared. The reason we were prepared is because the Prophets have been telling us for years that we need to have food storage. So we have been stocking up on our food storage for a long time. It was a cool experience to really express the importance on listening to the Prophet. Its because we have listened to the prophet that we have the food storage that we have. That and as soon as we started hearing about this virus we stared to stock up on even more food and toilet paper. The past year we have also had things work out in a way that we had more money in our savings than we have every had in our married lives. So we were not worried that Brandon couldn't work for 6 weeks. It was more of a blessing that he could be home with us and we got to spend even more family time together. So we are so grateful for living Prophets. 

Anyways... a few days into April and Brandon's dad called him saying he chipped a tooth. So he ended up coming down to hangout with us and get his tooth fixed. The boys loved having him around. They played cards with him and enjoyed showing off their mad skills to him with whatever they were doing. haha It was fun to have him visit. Lee was in Arkansas helping out Coya since she had just had her little baby Blayne. So while she was there Mike came here to hang out and get his tooth fixed. It was a nice break from the abnormal life we were living. 

Kayden couldn't get enough of Uno either.! haha 

Then came the second week of home school. The second week of school brought a bunch of chaos. I was trying to get different apps on for each of the kids. It was pretty frustrating when the apps wouldn't work and then just trying to get each thing up and running for each of the kids and chasing after Kayden. It was not fun at all. 

Wyatt working on his school work. 
Emmett did not want to do his school work when that second week came. 

Even Ethan was not wanting to work on any school work. 

Emmett was the worst though. He fought pretty hard that second week. Which is crazy because he is in preschool and his work is just fun and little crafts. Yet he didn't want to do it because it was school work. haha He is so much like Ethan it is crazy! 

Wyatt had to read outside for part of his school work and take a picture it. He was pretty excited about that. 

And.. here is another one of grumpy Emmett. haha 

While Brandon's Dad was here Kayden started to get really good at crawling on his knees. He also started to pull himself up to things. It was crazy how quickly he started to get the hang of these new mile stones. He had gone from army crawling for over a month to crawling and pulling himself up to things in like a week. It was pretty fun to watch. 

He was super excited that he was able to pull himself up to his carseat. It was his favorite spot. He kept pulling himself up to his carseat over and over again. Sometimes he would fall into it. haha 

Then we enjoyed some time out in the front yard. Kayden thought it was so fun to be somewhere that he hadn't been before. The hard thing about it is that he kept trying to pick up tiny rocks. Which I knew he would put them in his mouth. So I feel like I am not able to enjoy watching him outside yet because he is always getting into something he isn't supposed to and trying to put things in his mouth. Which is just the phase that he is in and it just feels like it has been so long since I have had to deal with that that I get tired of chasing him around. haha 

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