Tuesday, October 20, 2020


After getting back home amidst all the smoke and ash covering the sky we were surprised to see snow falling the next morning. No it was not ash. It was actual snow. The temperature dropped and it snowed. It sure cleaned the air out which was nice. I was mostly surprised that it was snowing in early September!! I have never seen it snow that early in the 7 years we have lived here. It must have just been a blessing for the area and the firefighters that were working so hard to contain the fire. Sadly, it wasn't enough precipitation to really get a handle on the fire but it sure did help. At least it helped so that it wasn't raining ash after that. It still smelled smokey when the snow went away and the sun came out but at least it wasn't as bad as it was when we got home. 

Enjoying my first Hot Chocolate protein drink of the.. Season?? 
Not too much snow but it sure did snow in September! Which is still super weird!!

We had 2 days of some snow and colder weather and then it jumped right back up to nice warm weather. I was sure glad to see the sun again and feel the warmth. I am not ready for winter yet!

Enjoying being outside after being stuck in door for 2 days! 

This kid makes such a mess with his pancakes and nutella! haha 

We turned the fire on when it was cold and Kayden was very interested in it. Kayden kept trying to blow out the fire. So eventually the kids started to trick him and would turn off the fire when he would blow on it. Then they got him to clap and then they would turn it back on. After doing that a couple of times he started to blow on it and then clap when it was off to turn it back on. The next day he even went up to the fire and clapped in front of it like it was going to turn it on. haha 

Kayden is loving all of these big kid things around the house! 

Ever since getting back from Tyrel and Vandy's house Kayden has been climbing up on the chairs and table every second he can. He would climb up onto the chair and then very happily look at us and say, "Hi!!" haha So hard to be mad at that cute little face! 

He was so proud of himself every time he climbed up. haha 

Doing some school work with Emmett since he can't go to actual preschool yet. 

He also has been wanting to sit at the table to eat. He kept climbing up to the table that I finally just grabbed some avocado to have him eat while he was sitting at the table. He was so proud of himself using his fork and everything! 

We sure love this cute little kid! 

Yet another time he climbed on the table. I looked away for a minute and then turned around to find Kayden on the table getting into the mini wheats! Little stinker! 

This was a morning that the kids were not behaving. They were fighting and had broken 2 toys and could not get along and someone got hurt once or twice. So I finally made them all sit in different spots on the couch and read or do something quietly on their own. I needed the break and so did they! 

Even Kayden sat down for a couple of minutes and played with this start toy! Which was a miracle! 

All 4 of my boys sitting together at the dinner table! Kayden looks so cute sitting at the table with his brothers! 

Kayden was so happy to be sitting at the table with his brothers! He just wants to be part of the crew! He also likes to make silly noises and then the kids laugh and he thinks he is so funny so he will do it again and then laugh too. It is pretty fun to have him joining up and acting like a big boy!! 

Got a little cold again. He looks so cute in this little coat! 

He is growing up so fast!! 

Donating some baby stuff to Goodwill! It feels nice to get rid of some baby clothes and other things!
Finishing up Papa and Gigi's closet! 

After we put on the finishing touches to the closet we made our mark with the kids hand prints! We think it turned out pretty cute!

We bought these fresca's for my Dad and figured it would be a great way to tell them to look in their pantry! We couldn't wait to show them their Pantry and Closet! 

Using utensils like a pro!! 

This kid was so proud of himself! He carried the animal cracker container into the family room and then got it open and got some out to eat them. 

We also had another movie night with some friends. Kayden had so much fun walking around saying "Hi" to everyone over and over again throughout the movie. haha That and getting licorise and snacks. He was all over the place. Emmett watched some of the movie and then took off to play on the swing set. The older boys liked watching the movie even though they have seen it many many times. It was "Space Jam" and they watch it all the time. They didn't seem to mind and still enjoyed watching it. 

Kayden enjoying Sunday movie night! 

And lastly, Kayden has been getting really into dirt lately! He found this little spot of dirt in the grass and had to grab as much of it as he could! Such a silly kid!! He is such a little boy always trying to get into dirt. 

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