Wednesday, June 22, 2016

May 18th-22nd

With Emmett trying to crawl on everything and use everything to help him stand up I caught him like this one day. He was playing with his toys and and having fun and then all of a sudden he is fussing. So I come over and see him laying on top of his zoo toy! haha Silly kid. Maybe sometime he will learn that not everything is stable enough to use to help with standing up.

We also went to the Museum again. The boys really like it with the toddler section open. So we went and had some fun for a little while.

Emmett really likes this water area. The only problem is that he tries to stick the ducks and turtles in his mouth. Not very sanitary! haha

Ethan would play in this train area the whole time if I didn't mention going to other things to play with or look at. I never knew that he liked trains so much! 

This is how Emmett sleeps.... bum in the air and arms tucked in under his tummy!! haha He is so funny! What a cute little stinker! :-) 

We also finally planted our garden in May. Wyatt had fun helping Daddy put the seeds in the rows. 

Yay for family bike rides! :-) 

Look at that sweet little face!! Emmett is such a cutie pie!! We really have such cute kids!! 

He likes to crawl around the floor and find any food and eat it. haha luckily most of the time it is just food and not little toys or other dangerous things! 

Lastly, our neighborhood puts on a yardsale every spring and fall. For this springs garage sale we were going to be selling a few things and we thought it would be a good idea to make some caramel popcorn and have the boys sell it. We didn't get as much traction as we were hoping we would. We were even giving out free samples so that if someone liked the taste they could buy some bags. Me and the boys were out selling popcorn for about 4 hours!! It was a long morning! Besides that I had stayed up late making a bunch of popcorn. The boys lasted for quite a while and then they started to loose interest. I had to make them sit down and told them that people didn't want to buy popcorn from me. They would rather buy it from the them since they are little and selling it to make some money. 

They did a good job though. They would call out to people to come and try some popcorn. We were pretty proud of them for lasting so long even though I kind of made them! haha 

They split the money between the 2 of them and me of course since I made the popcorn and helped them sell it. So they ended up with 11 dollars each! Pretty good day for them. They were pretty excited about how much they made. After some lunch we took them to Walmart and let them buy something with their money which they were even more excited about! haha
No better time to teach our kids about money! :)

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