Wednesday, September 14, 2016

First Day of 1st Grade

This handsome boy is 6 years old and started 1st grade on August 22nd. I still can't believe how much and how fast he is growing up. He was so excited to start 1st grade and to be able to eat lunch at school. So the morning of the 22nd we got up and had breakfast, I packed his lunch, took some pictures and headed to the bus stop.  

Such a cutie!! 

We headed to the bus stop and watched Ethan get on for the first time as a 1st grader. 

He is looking so old!! 

After dropping off Ethan at the bus and waving bye I decided it would be a good idea to go to school and see him at the playground and officially see him off to 1st grade. It was last minute and none of us were ready. So we got ready super quick and then took off to the school. It was so packed with all the parents doing the same thing. So I had to park super far away and only had 4 minutes to run to the school from my parking spot carrying Emmett and hoping that Wyatt was keeping up. So we ran as fast as we could and made it in time to find Ethan and have Wyatt follow Ethan around on the playground for a little bit before the bell rang and Ethan had to line up to go to class. 

Such goof balls!! They sure do love each other! 

Last hugs before he was off to class. 

Ethan wanted to pick up Emmett. Emmett was not too happy about it! haha I love these cuties so much!! 

Off he goes! As I gave him one last hug and told him I would see him later I choked up a bit. It was bitter sweet knowing that he was going to be gone until 3:30 that afternoon. It would be easier only having 2 at home but this is the first year that Ethan would be gone more than he is home. It was sad and I would miss the little stinker. I waved to him as he walked into the building and then it was official, his 1st grade year had started! 

 Wyatt kind of enjoyed being able to play without Ethan at home. He didn't have anyone bossing him around or telling him he couldn't play with certain toys. So he was enjoying it that morning. In fact he played by himself for a while so I could call my sister Tiffany and my mom. When I got downstairs Wyatt showed me what he built! He did a good job building a "Temple" as he called it. 

 He then wanted to take a picture of me with what he built!:-) 
Just before lunch Brandon texted me and told me that someone wanted to buy our couches in a couple of hours. It was really random since we had posted them on craiglist just to see if we would get any bites and randomly we actually sold them. So I had Wyatt help me vacuum the couches out and wipe them down so they would be clean by the time the guys showed that wanted to buy them. So it was a busy day and yet Wyatt had fun playing by himself with Ethans Magnetic tiles and having him play with him for a little bit. 

Ethan arrived home that afternoon and I actually missed him getting home from the bus. I was at the verizon store trying to get things figured out with my phone and it took way longer than expected. Luckily, our friend just 2 houses down said that she would watch for him and let him play at her house if I wasn't home on time. I was so upset that I had to miss Ethan coming home on his first day. Thankfully I only just barely missed him. When I got home he was actually in the house because he had gone around to the back door. He was excited to see me and he said that school was AWESOME!! So we went inside and he had an after school snack. 

Then the boys laid down on the floor like this and watched some cartoons since we didn't have couches anymore. haha 
That night we went and bough couches at American Furniture Warehouse. However, they had to ship them to our house so we were left without couches for 2 more days. It was brutal!! haha Anyways, Ethan had a great first day of school and really likes his teacher Mrs. Hause! He also ate all of his lunch and said that his teacher let him buy a little bag of cheese from the cafeteria because he was still hungry after he ate all his lunch I packed him. So I now knew that he could eat more than what I had packed him. The next day I packed him a lot more and he ate all of it again. So I am not worried about him not having enough time to eat his lunch anymore! haha It should be a great school year! 

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