Thursday, September 29, 2016

Our fun life from September 7-14th

 Life these days are pretty good. It is a lot easier going places with just the 2 kiddos while Ethan is at school. That and there is a lot less fighting going on at home. The only hard part is that now Wyatt does not have Ethan to play with all day long so he wants me to play with him all day. I try to give him lots of time but I also have things that I have to get done. So my days consist of playing with the boys in the basement or taking them to the park and trying to get things done around the house when Emmett is napping or whenever I can manage it. The best part of my day though it being able to be around my goof ball kids. :-) 

This picture just make me laugh. I asked Wyatt to help me out and smile for me. He ended up posing like this. haha What a silly kid!!

Since the lighting was so nice I decided to try and take a couple pictures for Emmett but it never works out as easy with him. He is used to saying cheese for my phone but not my big camera. So anytime he sees my phone he says cheese but, anytime I get my nice camera out he just ignores me. haha Maybe I need to take more pictures with my cannon instead of my phone more often. haha

 I showed Emmett what chalk was a few weeks ago and now Emmett likes to grab a bunch of chalk and just start marking the side walk and scribbling. Its pretty cute!

Such handsome little boys we have!! 

 The weather here in Colorado is being so odd. It was basically fall weather for a while and then it got hot again. So I let the boys get wet a little bit in their clothes. Emmett was loving going down the slide and getting wet and so was Wyatt. haha 

 Of coarse right when I want a picture of Emmett being happy he decides he does not like sitting on the car. haha

 Emmett LOVES drinking water out of other peoples water bottles. I swear the bigger the better to him. haha He does not care to for his sippy cups, he would rather have his brothers or my water bottle. haha

 My boys like showing that they are strong enough to ride bikes on the wood chips. haha 

 This kid!!! haha Oh man I LOVE his silly goofy self! His faces that he makes just make my day every day! haha 

 While walking around Walmart Emmett was getting really done with sitting in the cart. So I grabbed a toy and let him play with it while we finished our shopping. He had a blast the rest of the time we were there. haha I think we know what we need to get him for Christmas! :-) haha 

 Ethan and Wyatt "roasting ketchup" haha These boys are so silly. Anytime they have food that is steaming hot they decided they have to pretend to roast something over the steam. haha So they decided to roast their ketchup over their steaming hot corn dogs. haha 

 Wyatt and Emmett are starting to become best buds these day. I was hoping that Wyatt and Emmett would grow closer since Ethan would be gone all day. So this just makes me so happy to see them being so cute together! 

 They are so cute. Emmett Loves to try and push Emmett around the room and Wyatt likes to let him try and he will say while laughing, "Emmett stop it... stop it!!" haha They also like to pretend to be puppies and crawl around the house. haha  

 Emmett got to ride the pony at king soopers for the first time. He was not so sure about it at first and seemed really nervous when it started. Then after a minute he really started to like it and when it stopped and I took him off of it he kept pointing to it and started crying. haha 

Emmett also LOVES puppets. Anytime I put one on my hand and start talking he reaches his hand to try and put it on his own hand. It is so stinking cute! 

 This one time that I put our frog puppet on his hand he started to make little higher pitch noises like the frog was talking. Just like what I did! haha so Cute!! 

Although it is hard to not be able to get everything done each day and I get tired of fighting bad guys and would rather do something I want to do... I have to say I LOVE being able to spend time with these kids and be there to enjoy these times while they are so little and want to play with me. :-) 

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