Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Family Fun in California

The kids fell asleep on the way back to Rancho and then we stopped for some soda and slurpees before getting to the next adventure! 
I think the others boys had taken off already when I took this picture of Emmett! haha 

When we got back to my parents house they opened the door and Ryan yelled all excited, "Emmett!!" haha She was so excited to see her cousins. They hit it off right then and there and played together the rest of the day! Chasing each other around the house, dancing and just having lot of fun cousin time it was so cute and fun to watch!

They all were having a blast playing on the piano! 

The were little buddies that weekend, it was so stinking cute!! 

Saturday morning we went and got donuts at the "Donut Man". They are huge donuts and they were really yummy! I ate way too much that morning! 
Emmett enjoyed his donut too! 
After Donuts the guys headed out to go golfing and have some male bonding time! Matt didn't really want to go because he had had surgery on his foot not that long ago but the men coaxed him into it and he had a little fun but got home and had to go rest for a little while. 

The kids get a lot of lizard hunting in when we go to Grandpa and GG's house. This time Ethan wanted to catch the lizard. So he got up close enough but far enough away to not scare it away and then shot his hand in and caught the liarzd by its tale. 
Then Grandpa grabbed him and.... 

Then the lizard was gone. haha The lizard bit Grandpa and started him and he flung his hand away but the lizard must have still been attached to his finger because when he pulled his hand away the lizard went flying into the bushes. haha Ethan was so stoked that he had caught it and then kind of sad when the lizard he had caught was gone! haha 

Then the lizard hunt continued. haha They wanted to find another one and now all the kids were involved in climbing up the hill. haha 

That night we went to IN N OUT for dinner all together. It was busy at IN N OUT and so we didn't all get to sit near each other. Tif and Q had some seats a little farther away which was lucky for them. Emmett was so tired that he was having complete melt downs and spilt out soda all over the floor because he wanted to drink it and grabbed it by the top before I could grab it from him. It was a stressful outing and at those times all I can do is laugh! 

Even with all the craziness it was yummy and its all just memories we can look back on and laugh at! 

Wyatt was Matt's little tag a long buddy! He LOVED Matt and wanted to talk to Matt and just be near Matt practically the whole time that Matt and Ashely were in town. It was so funny!! 

Removing some splinters from Ethan's feet. They kept walking around the garden area and up in the hill without sandals on and it eventually causes a little bit of a problem. Ethan had tons of splinters in his feet. We got out a few of then bigger ones and then the rest we figured would just come out on their own because they were too tiny to get out. 

Matt was like the kid whisperer. haha Even Emmett was drawn to him. I though Emmett was going to fall asleep on Matt's lap. He laid on his lap just letting him stroke his head for probably 10 minutes. Every once in a while Emmett would look up at Matt and give him a little smile and then lay back down. It was the funniest thing! It was a good weekend. A little drama, a little crazy and a lot of laughs and good times with family. Tif and Q left Sunday morning so they could get back to San Diego in time to get to their ward and Matt and Ashley had to fly out that afternoon back to San Fran.  It was short lived but it was good to see them all especially Matt and Ashley since we hadn't seen them in a while and those couple of days were the only days we would see them for a long time! 

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