Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Goodbye Tonsils!

On Tuesday May 29th I got up early to go exercise so that I would be up and awake before Wyatt was so that I could make sure that he didn't eat or drink anything that morning. It was the day Brandon and Wyatt were getting their tonsils out and they were not supposed to eat or drink anything after midnight. I was super worried that Wyatt would forget even after the many times we had talked about why he wasn't supposed to eat or drink anything and that he couldn't eat or drink anything when he got up, even gum. So I didn't sleep all that great because I was worried he would forget. Which is why I got up and exercised that morning. I got home right before 7 and I was glad that I had because Wyatt came down and came right into the kitchen where he saw me and I said, "You get your tonsils out today!". He then started to look really sad and started to cry and when I asked him why he was crying he said, "Because I am really hungry!" The one morning that he can't eat and he says he is super hungry. I know it is just because he wasnt supposed to eat. I get that same way. On any normal day he could go till 10 without even thinking about breakfast but because he wasn't supposed to eat he was wanting to eat. I was also super glad that I had been home when he came downstairs because a few minutes later when I turned on the T.V he said he was going to get his frozen slurpee out of the freezer and eat it that morning. He thought for some reason that the frozen slurpee was ok to eat. So I was very glad I was home to make sure he didn't eat that. That would have messed up him being able to have his surgery that morning and he really needed to get his tonsil out. So it was official he hadn't eaten or drank anything so we were set to go get his tonsils taken out. I got Ethan all ready for school and sent him on his way on his bike to go to school and then got Emmett ready and we dropped him off at a friends house and then made our way to the surgery center. 

Wyatt was pretty excited. He had no idea what was about to happen. Which in a way I am glad because having him worried would have made it a lot harder to get him to do what he needed to do. 

He got into a little hospital gown and was just all smiles and giggles. 

They checked all of his vitals and lungs and asked lots of questions. 

Then Brandon got into his gown.
and he was asked lots of questions. haha

My two boys together waiting for surgery!

They gave Wyatt this mask to decorate and keep. Which he was stoked about! 

Then I got to get all dressed up so that I could go back with Wyatt until he fell asleep.

Wyatt was super excited to get his tonsils out. He really had no clue what to expect but he was excited because they were bothering him. That week or two before his surgery he had started to not eat as much. He kept clearing his throat all the time while he ate like he had to move his food forward because it would hit his tonsils or something. When I asked why he wasn't eating much he said it was because his tonsils were hurting him and bugging him. So he was ready to have them out. We were super ready to have him get them out because we knew he would be able to breathe so much easier. So it had finally arrived and now we were just waiting to go back. The time finally arrived and I went back with Wyatt to the surgery room. They put a mask on him and told him to look at the balloon and try to blow it up. Challenge accepted! He started blowing pretty fast and then he set of their alarm. Then they told him to take big breathes. I kept talking to him telling him what a great job he was doing at blowing up the balloon and asking if it felt weird to blow up a balloon without putting his mouth around a balloon. Then all of a sudden he stopped looking at the balloon and turned and faced the lady that was telling him it was ok. The look in his eyes was almost terror. His eyes went really wide and he looked almost scared. The anesthesiologist started saying that it was completely normal for them to stop blowing up the balloon and to just try and process what was going on. So I just talked to him and started running my hands threw his hair like I do when he is going to sleep. Then his eyes started to droop and then he was basically out. He was still fighting it a little bit when they walked me out. I tell you what, I did not like watching him be put to sleep. My heart hurt watching my baby with that look in his eyes and there was nothing I could do. I almost cried watching him when it started to hit him and he turned and looked scared. I will never get that image out of my head!! I was going to be so happy when he was awake again and I could see him.
Doctor Gupta came out after 10 minutes and said that it was all done and that he was in the recovery room. I couldn't go in yet because the nurses were keeping an eye on his vitals. So I had to go into the waiting room while they took Brandon back and Wyatt was still asleep. Once Brandon's surgery was done with Dr. Gupta came out and talked to me about what to do for recovery and what he took out and everything. He took out Wyatt's tonsils, adenoids and terpenoids. Brandon he took out tonsils and terpenoids. Once Wyatt was awake I was able to go back and see him. When I got back there he was watching cartoons and eating a Popsicle. I really wish I could have been back there when he woke up but I guess that is only how they do things in the movies. He seemed pretty normal just a little more sleepy. He also asked me after a few minutes when they were going to take out his tonsils. I told him that they already did. haha Hard to believe when you are asleep for the whole thing. Wyatt finished his popsicle and they gave him some water and then the nurse started loading all the post surgery information that I needed to know. It was a lot to take in at one time. Thankfully it was all on paperwork and after reading through it a couple of times I started to not feel as overwhelmed. 
Not long after getting in to see Wyatt Brandon was wheeled over to the room.
Then Wyatt started to feel like he was going to throw up so the nurse got him a bowl thing and he threw up any liquids he had just put in his system. The nurse said that was normal because of the anesthesia. She said that the stomach takes longer to wake up and when it does it can feel upset because of the blood they may have swallowed. After that he went back to another popsicle. Then once all the information I needed was delivered at Brandon was feeling pretty good and Wyatt was feeling better we were discharged.

They wheeled Brandon and Wyatt out and I pulled the car up and we got them in the car and then I started the drive home. On the way home Wyatt threw up in his cup again. I tried to take the turns slower and drive pretty easy but it was hard to drive any easier than I felt like I was driving. So we got home and I got the boys situated with ice water and a movie and popsicles and then I headed out to pick up Emmett, grab some lunch and grab the prescriptions.
I felt so bad because I had told my friend Lindsey that I would be back to pick up Emmett at 11 maybe 11:30 and it was like 1:30 by the time I picked him up. It took way longer than I thought it would for everything to happen.Wyatt didn't even go back for surgery until almost 11. So it was way later than I had planned. So I finally picked up Emmett and then headed to walmart to pick up a neti pot for Brandon and then Chick Fil A to get myself a salad. Then I headed over to costco to get the medicines and sadly they only had one of the 4 I needed. So I got that one filled since I was already there and ate some of my salad while we waited. Then I headed home gave Wyatt the zofran to help with his nausea which is the only medicine that Costco could fill. The Ethan got home and I took Emmett with me to go to Walgreens to fill the rest of the prescriptions. I then had to come back an hour later to pick them up. I was so grateful that ladies in our ward were bringing me dinner that week. I didn't think that it was going to be as crazy as it was that day and I sure was so thankful that I didn't have to worry about dinner that night. After running around town I finally got all the medicine that I needed for my boys and then I stopped at sonic to grab ice and then I headed home for the night. Thankfully the Zofran really did work because Wyatt was hungry and wanted Mac and Cheese that evening. He was so funny that afternoon when we got home from surgery. I turned the movie on for him and Brandon and he asked if he could have popcorn. I mean popcorn of all things! haha I told him no and that it would be a while before he could have popcorn and he was pretty upset. But, I got him a popsicle and later he had some sherbet. We made it through the first day and I was beat!! haha I got the humidifiers all filled up and running and got Wyatt to bed and laid with him in the downstairs guest bedroom while he fell asleep. It was amazing to hear how clear and easy he was breathing. At that point I was super glad that he finally had his tonsils out! We were really glad Brandon got his out that day too because the day before going in to get them out one of his tonsils started flaring up and hurting him like he was getting strep again. So it was such great timing! We were glad that it happened when it did!!

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