Thursday, June 21, 2018

Visit from Uncle David and Hayhay and losing teeth!

Our boys were so excited for Uncle David and Aunt Hayley to come hangout with us for the day. They had to get their teeth checked at Brandon's office and then they came to hangout and spend the night. So we just hangout and chatted until Brandon got home from work. While we relaxed and chatted a storm blew in. Then Wyatt and Ethan got their headphones out and started to sing to songs with headphones in. Aunt Hayley joined in with Wyatt. It was pretty funny. Yes I did get it on video! :-) After grabbing some dinner from Nordy's and eating it at home we got in our swim suits and headed over to the pool for just a little bit since the storm came and went pretty quickly. 

It was fun hanging with them at the pool. We didn't last super long because it was pretty late and it was getting colder in the water. We left just before 7 and then decided to pull Ethan's tooth out. He had accidentally smacked his tooth on a pole at the pool and it loosed it up a lot more than it was before. So it was time to pull it out. Brandon had the idea to pull it out with his RC race car which Ethan was totally game for. I told him it wasn't a good idea because we would probably lose it. No body listened to me though. haha It was a pretty cool way to lose his first tooth though. He was so brave about it too. He wasn't nervous at all and was pretty excited to have it out. It took three attempts before it finally came out. The floss kept slipping right off his tooth. So the third time Brandon tied the floss as high as he could and as tight as he could and it finally worked. 

Then the hunt for the tooth began. Brandon didn't believe me that we would lose it but I told him, "Mother knows best!" haha We searched for probably 40 minutes maybe even more for that tooth. Just as we were about to give up I decided to search the side near David and Hayleys car. As I got close to the sidewalk I was on all fours looking under their car and then I looked forward and I saw it. I had found Ethan's tooth!!! 

This is my excited face because I found Ethan's tooth and Brandon owed me a dollar! :-) He said that whoever found the tooth got a dollar. haha Although I was just glad I found his tooth. Especially since it was his very first tooth that he lost. 

Ethan was super happy that I had found it. Right before I found it Brandon was about to take Ethan inside to write the tooth fairy a note telling her how we lost his first tooth out on the driveway. So when I found it and showed it to me he was super excited and gave me a big hug and thanked me for finding it. He is less than a month away from turning 8 and had officially lost his first tooth!!! 

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