Sunday, November 24, 2019

Last few days of August

The last few days of August were full of enjoying our sweet little Kayden and going to the pool a couple more times before it closed. I also took Kayden and Emmett jogging quite a few times. After Ethan and Wyatt would head off to school Emmett would want to go ride his bike outside. So I figured that I would take advantage of him wanting to ride his bike and go for a jog. So we would wait till Kayden was ready for a nap and then put him in his carseat and then in his stroller and go for a run. Emmett loved it because he got outside! So anytime he wanted to go outside if I told him that  we couldn't he would say, "You can just put Kayden in the stroller and go running." haha It was so funny. So a lot of times I would do just that. It was fun to get out and go running while Kayden napped. We also had Emmett's preschool Open House. Lastly, to end August Kayden giggled for me on August 28th and then again on the 31st. It was great to finally hear this little guys cute giggle. Brings such joy to my heart!! :-)  Enjoy the pictures! 

Getting so big and so strong!! 

Bought this hat from Target. I was inspired by Hayles at our beach vacation! 

Emmett was always so excited when his brothers would get home from school. 

Nothing better than some Tennis with his brothers after school. 

I love that cooing face!! So stinking cute!! 

He loves his brothers so much!! 

Such a stinking cutie!! 

And some more cuddle time!

He is such a sweet baby boy!! I love that they can fall asleep anywhere. haha 

Such huge peaches that we got this year. Too bad they were pretty bitter! At least the inside of the peaches were pretty tasty! 

We were given these cute dental onesies for Kayden. I love that they are Dental shirts. My favorite says "I'm proof that my mom can't resist the Dentist." haha So funny!! 

Off for a jog!! 

Then our ward had its annual back to school dessert night at the park. Brandon was in Texas for a big meeting and so I took the kids to the get together. The boys had fun playing and eating a bunch of desserts and I chatted with some other moms. It was a good outing even though it was crazy being on my own with the 4 of them. 

Nothing like Firehouse subs especially when they were giving away these cardboard build able fire trucks for buying kids meals. 

This is the building that Brandon and his partner Travis bought for their new practice building. It is going to be so nice when they are done renovating. 

We bought this door on craiglist. We were able to tell the lady what color of stain we wanted and how big and what style. It turned out great and it was only about 200 bucks. Way cheaper than any pre-made doors. 

Putting up the door in our bathroom! 

Wyatt was so excited to feed Kayden. 

Pool time! 

This is the first time that I actually got to get in and play with my boys in the pool. 

It felt good to get in the water and be silly with my boys! 

Look at that cute little face. He loves to have tummy time on me and on my legs. Which I am totally ok with. He is fun to talk too and I love giving him tummy time on me instead of on the floor. 

Stopped at a park in the neighborhood while out for our morning jog. 

So Emmett was put in time out for doing something wrong and he kept screaming. When he came back out from behind the wall to complain that he wanted out he was wiping his nose like he had a runny nose because he was crying so hard. When I looked over at him he had blood all over his face! He was obviously not in time out anymore and was just in the bathroom cleaning up his bloody nose! So crazy! 

Then it was time to go see where Emmett was going to be going to preschool. 

He LOVED it and was super excited to start school. 

Such a happy baby boy even with his irritated eyes! 

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