Thursday, December 24, 2020

A Fun and busy December

December was a busy month. Between school at home, caramel popcorn making and Christmas festivities
it was a busy but fun month. 

This year my Mom and I worked together to get all the caramel popcorn made that we needed to make. We had quite a bit to make. 

These 2 have been having fun together more and more these days. Kayden loves being around his brothers and is trying to be more and more like them. 

This kid seriously climbs on or in anything he can. Never a dull moment with this kid. 

We went to Scheels one afternoon to get some Christmas shopping done and after buying a few things the lady at the checkout gave us 2 stuffed puppies for Emmett and Kayden. Kayden was in heaven! He LOVES dogs! Well he loves to watch dogs on TV and hug stuffed animal dogs or see a real dog from a distance. haha 

This is Kaydens new thing. Whenever I go to the bathroom he wants me. So to make sure that I know where he is while I am in the bathroom I stick my hand under the door and he tries to get my hand and vice versa. It actually makes my bathroom trip more relaxing because I know Kayden is not climbing on something he shouldn't be or getting into something he shouldn't be. haha 

Brandon also had a zoom interview for the show Wholly Molly! It is a putting game show that is kind of like wipe out but with putting involved. haha He was pretty stoked that he made it as far as getting a video interview. The guy really seemed to like Brandon and said that if the producers like him they would contact him sometime in January! So we shall see if he gets selected or not to be on the show. That would be pretty fun to have him on the show. 

Like I mentioned before... Kayden is literally climbing on or in anything he can. He learned to open the drawer so he could step in it in order to get high enough to reach the mouse and keypad to my computer. Little stinker!! 

The boys also had another sleep over at Papa and Gigi's.

They did some crafts with Gigi and then helped her make some sugar cookies to decorate. 

Brandon and I brought Kayden over mid morning to help with decorating cookies and to hangout with them a little bit. 
This is Kayen's face he makes when he wants something to drink. haha Before this picture was taken he had given Gigi a kiss and said, "pease" so that he could have a drink of her drink. haha Silly kid!! 

We also had Kaydens 18 month check up. Kayden does not like the doctors office at all!! I asked if Gigi could watch Emmett for me while I took Kayden to his well check and his post surgery check right after that. So thankfully she was able to watch Emmett for me because it was a long afternoon of Doctors visits. Kayden was not happy to be at the doctors office and cried as soon as the nurse tried taking his vitals. I tried lots of things to get him to be happy. Finally I got him to stop crying and be happy by taking pictures of us. The appointment went well and he was weighing in at 25 lbs. He weighs 5 pounds less than Emmett!! haha 
After getting checked out by the doc we waited around for the nurse to come back in and get a blood pressure check and give Kayden his shots. So Kayden played with all of the drawers while we waited. haha His blood pressure ended up being a little higher than what they wanted it to be so they wanted us to come back in for a couple of checks in the next couple of weeks. Kaydens post surgery check was quick and all is well and I was told he just can't be an ultimate fighter or an extreme sport player. I am ok with that! haha After his checks were done we headed home to relieve my mom and let Kayden take a nap. We ended up going in 2 more times to get Kaydens blood pressure checked and those times his blood pressure was normal. So thankfully we don't have to worry about that anymore!! 

This was the craft that Emmett did and Papa and Gigi's. 

Also, this year for Christmas we decided to have the kids earn their Christmas presents for each other. Instead of just picking presents they wanted to give each other like we have in the past. This year Brandon and I bought a few presents for each of the boys that we thought they might like to give each other. Then one by one we took them upstairs to pick what present they wanted to give to each brother. Each present was worth a different amount of tickets. They were able to earn tickets by doing specific chores around the house that I came up with that were worth different amounts of tickets each. So I made a list and put it on the fridge. The kids were then able to pick what chore they wanted to do to earn that amount of tickets. Its as actually really nice! The kids were excited to do these chores to earn tickets so that they could wrap the present they picked for their brothers. The other positive it that I was able to have some chores done that I had not been able to get to because of everything else I have to try to keep clean in the house. So it was kind of like a Christmas present to me as well! haha 

Wyatt hard at work scrubbing off the dirty walls in the kitchen! 

Emmett cleaning the back door! 
It was really nice having them excited to clean different things! The kids worked really hard to earn presents for each other. It was cute to see how excited they were to turn in their earned tickets and be able to wrap a present for one of their brothers! 

Look at that handsome little man!! He is growing up so fast!!! 

He loves to see himself in the camera. 

Me and my mom hard at work making Caramel popcorn to give out! 

Kayden hard at work getting into my moms stuff! haha 

Then there is this one. haha Kayden got into the markers and decided to take it and draw a nice little mustache on his face. haha 

Not a big fan of having whip cream put on his hands. haha 

The joy of some well earned tickets. 

Just some more popcorn making. 

While making popcorn I heard something fall all over the floor. Kayden had opened up the container with beads in it and had dumbed them all over the floor. This kid is such a busy body! 

We also bought a pomegranate for the kids to try. They were super excited to try it and enjoyed it for the most part. 

Then it was time to go see some Christmas lights. Gigi had bought tickets for all of us to go see the lights at the "Gardens". So we bundled up and went to go get in the Christmas mood! 

Sadly, the sun didn't go down as quickly as we had hoped it would have. So the lights were not all that pretty until it was time for us to leave. We could see how on a normal year it would be a really fun outing. Before Covid they would have live bands and pass out hot chocolate and all that kind of stuff. This year there was none of that. They didn't even have Christmas music playing through any speakers. That and the time slot we got was too early so we didn't get to fully enjoy all of the lights they had on. So we figured we will have to try it again next year and get a later time slot. It was still fun though and the kids enjoyed walking around and Emmett enjoyed carrying around a massive ball of snow for basically the whole time we were there. haha 

I came prepared with hot chocolate in thermos's. So when we got back to the car we poured hot chocolate into some cups and enjoyed some warm drinks while we drove to get some MOD pizza for dinner. 
My Dad and I both had on Sloth ugly sweater. haha So we had to take a picture and send it to little Ryan because she loves Sloths! 

After the kids were in bed it was time for us adults to play some cards. While we did that Kayden woke up crying. So he snuggled up with Papa and Gigi for a few minutes before he was settled down enough to go back to bed. 

The next morning we go up and ready and headed out to go see Santa. 
My Chiropractors office has Santa come each year. This year we had to sign up to see Santa for 15 minutes increments. It actually worked out better than it has in the past. It was way more personable and Santa even did some Magic tricks for the kids. 

Right before we left Emmett asked him if he was the real Santa which he responded to with a "Yes!" After that Emmett was BEAMING!!! 

The joy on Emmett's face was so priceless. You could tell it took a lot for him to ask Santa that question with how shy Emmett is. Then after mustering up that courage and getting that answer Emmett was just so happy!! It was super cute!! 
It was a fun 15 minutes of time with Santa! 

Then we headed home for some lunch and a game with Papa and Gigi before they had to head home to get some things done. 

I just love that little sweater on Kayden!! 

After Kaydens nap we went downstairs and enjoyed watching a Christmas movie together. 

It was a great Day!! 

Little mischief maker!! haha He always goes in between the book shelf and the fireplace and tries to pull on the Christmas lights. 

This kid was super excited about his jammies it was so cute he did a little dance and everything!! haha 

Brandon made mangu for the kiddos and they were pretty excited about it. 

This cute little kiddo with his hair all done!! 
Brandon made himself an ornament this year. His beloved Dodge Viper! haha 

Ethan has started to really like chips and cheese these days. He is the only one out of all our boys that like chips and cheese so far. 

Kayden loves playing on computers and this one afternoon I had Wyatt watch Kayden for a second while I was dropping off Emmett at school. When I got back from dropping off Emmett, Wyatt had put his laptop on Kayden's tray. Wyatt said he couldn't handle Kayden being sad and it was so cute that Kayden was so happy when he gave him his laptop. 

Brandon let Kayden hold onto the handle of the microwave and Kayden was so happy and looked so silly standing up on the counter. Brandon stood back just for a second so that I could take a picture and it was well worth the picture!! 

This little boy is just becoming such a big boy these days. He is trying to be like his older brothers and trying to say so many more things. He loves to have chocolate milk and watch "Puppy Dog Pals" right before going to bed. It is his nightly routine! Pretty cute if you ask me! 

We went to see some more Christmas lights with the boys! It was a place just south of us that was doing Christmas lights this year. It was typically going to be 20 bucks for us to go but because we live in Timnath they gave us a code to get in for free. I am so glad that it was free because it was not worth 20 dollars to go see. 

Still it was fun for the kiddos and us to go see more lights. 

All ready for our Christmasy Church outing. 
So cute in his church clothes. 

The boys sitting in time out together. haha I love how much Kayden wants to make Emmett happy. 

Popcorn and movies... nothing better!! 

We also made paper snowflakes. It had been forever since the boys had made paper snow flakes that I don't think they remembered how to do it. After a few mishaps they got it down and it was fun.

Then I found the fake snow spray and we sprayed the snowflakes on our window. The boys thought that was pretty cool!! 

Having fun outside while it was a little bit warmer. 

The boys made a pathway with the wood outside along all of the snow in the backyard. Silly boys! 

I love this little beanie on this little guy!! It is so cute!! 

We also had the opportunity this year to experience a rare phenomenon. Saturn and Jupiter were coming close enough together to be able to be seen as one star. They called it the "Christmas Star". So we drove out to our lot to view it. 

This is what we saw! It was pretty cool to go out and see it with the boys. 

These nativity blocks that we have got good use this year. Kayden loved them so much! He would fill up the box and then dump them out and laugh. He also would help stack the blocks and then knock them all down. 

Kayden has not had the chance to swing very often so when he does get the chance he seems to really enjoy it. Now anytime we pass by the park he points and says, "pease!" It is super cute! 

We also have an at home "Movie Theatre" day. 
We printed out tickets for the kids and set up signs for the movie theatre. The kids were super excited about it. 

I tried my best to act like an ordinary disgruntled worker. haha 

After we all had our treats and drinks we got comfy and watched "Croods 2" It was a great movie and we had a blast watching it for our Movie night! 

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