Saturday, December 19, 2020

Finishing off October

The rest of October was busy trying to have fun with the boys and getting ready for Halloween.  

Ethan was so excited that he finally got to go to in person school again. He had been anxiously waiting and it had finally arrived since Kayden's surgery was over he could now go to school. He was super excited for his first day back. 

Kayden was acting back to normal. He was running around and climbing on everything and flopping onto his tummy the day after his surgery. I would cringe every time he slid off the couch of belly flopped on the couch or floor and yet it didn't seem to phase him at all. 

He did however keep wanting these cake pops. haha 

Such a cute little stinker. 

We decided to run some errands and go to Costco so we could keep Kayden still for a little bit and give him tummy a break from all the climbing and running. He was not very happy while we walked around Costco. He normally handles being pushed in his stroller through stores just fine. This was yet another time I figured his tummy was bothering him more than he was letting on. 

Little mischief maker!!

We got some more snow again. We really needed the snow we got again. The fires were continuing to get worse and we were ready for them to be put out so that we could enjoy some fresh air again. So even though we were not ready for snow we felt blessed to get it to help put out the fires. The kids sure enjoyed it!! :-) 

Then of course there is this picture. haha Anytime Brandon is looking at something on his phone the boys have to huddle around him to watch what he is watching. haha 

Shoveling the driveway.

We got a good amount of snow!! More than we thought we were going to get. 

We made our way over to my parents house to shovel their drive way and pick them up for dinner. They didn't really want to drive over to our house with all the snow on the ground since their car isn't all wheel drive. After dinner we played some games and then watched a movie together. 

Kayden kept trying to feed Gigi popcorn. He is so silly! 

These crazy kiddos coloring a crown for Gigi's birthday. 

After getting ready for the day and getting other things done we got some balloons and a little gift for my Gigi's birthday.
Then we went over to their house and sang to my Mom and gave her our little gift.

Nothing better than the gift of Hot Chocolate when you now live in a colder environment. haha 

Then we headed to Texas Roadhouse for Gigi's birthday dinner. 

This was Kayden saying, "Cheese" haha 

He is a silly kid. He sure ate good while we were there. 
The crew!! It was a little chaotic like it usually is but it was fun to get out and celebrate with my Mom on her birthday! 

Proof that I was there celebrating with her too. haha After dinner we called it a night and went home to put the kids to bed. 

Ethan's foot was having an issue. It looked like he was getting a bunion. Which would be really weird with how young he is. He kept complaining that it was hurting him. Luckily, after icing it and giving it a break from his shoes it started to feel better. 

Snow!!!! I love how the trees and bushes look after it snows and then freezes over at night. They are all frosted and it looks so pretty. 

I have not let this kid have a yogurt all to himself in a long time because he ends up just playing in it. He still did play in it this time but at least he ate more of it than he has every other time i have given him yogurt that wasn't a Go-gurt! haha 

Kayden is such a busy body! He is the most busy out of all our boys! He is everywhere all the time. What he loves to do in the basement now is to climb up on the pool table. Sometimes he gets all the way up on it. He is such a nut and keeps me busy that is for sure .

I had to get a picture of his bandages from his surgery. He really has recovered quickly. That week after his surgery he woke up once every night and would scream and cry and we would have to take him downstairs and turn on "Puppy Dog Pals" because that was the only way to get him to stop screaming. Then we would cuddle with him for a little while and give him some medicine and usually try to get him to eat something. Then try to put him back to bed. A couple of nights were pretty rough and he would just scream!! We didn't want him to hurt his tummy with all the force he was creating with his screams so we would try whatever we could to get him to be happy. I felt so bad for him and wished we could figured out what was really causing the issues. I think eventually his tape on his tummy would bug him and wake him up and then he would just start crying because he was so tired and didn't know he was awake and probably irritated because of his bandages on his tummy. 

Ethan stacking up penny's. haha He is always trying to create something or do something that creates some kind of reaction. 

Emmett was so excited to wear his batman costume to preschool. 

And this kid was super excited to take a bath. haha

Trying to make him happy when he is grumpy! He really did handle the recovery well. He was just a little grumpier and a little whinier. Bath time always make him happier. So why not a bubble bath! haha 

Then the older boys had a chance to wear their Halloween costumes for online school. 

We had to take a picture of them and submit it so the school could put together a virtual costume parade. The boys were pretty excited to show off their costumes too! 

I love how much Emmett wants to make Kayden laugh. When Kayden is grumpy in his high chair Emmett will do silly things to make him laugh. It is pretty sweet to watch! 

Top Golf!!

After the kids got done with their school work one Friday morning we headed out to go to Top Golf with Papa and Gigi. The boys were super excited!! 
Kayden fell asleep the last 10 minutes of our drive down to Thornton so I stayed in the car for a little bit to let him get a little bit of a nap in.

We had lots of fun. We played golf, ate lots of food and had some good laughs. It was a good afternoon!! 

Pumpkin Carving Time!! 

After our fun time at Top Golf we invited Papa and Gigi over for some pumpkin carving fun. The boys had fun drawing their faces for their pumpkins and Wyatt and Ethan even carved theirs this year.

Of course we had to have a halloween type dinner. What better idea than having mummy dogs for dinner. haha 

Kayden was not so sure about the pumpkin guts. haha 

It was a fun evening and the pumpkins all turned out great!! :-) 

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