Sunday, December 27, 2020

After Christmas fun

After the fun of Christmas day the boys had fun playing with their new things. Brandon had to work a few of the days each week of break which wasn't fun for anyone. We all wanted him to be home with us for at least a whole week. We made it work though and the kids had fun playing with their stuff. Brandon and I also got our new iphone 12 pro's all set up so we had fun taking pictures with our new phones. 

Kayden totally loves his vacuum. For the next few days after Christmas Kayden would constantly be turning his vacuum on and pushing it around. It was so cute to watch. 

Just taking pictures of these handsome goof ball boys with our new phones. 

Ya we are dorks... but look at that picture!! So clean!!! We are pretty happy with our non purchase. I say that we didn't purchase them because we were able to use point through Brandon's business card to get our phones for free. Way better than paying close to 2 grand for both of them if not more. 

What handsome boys I have in my life!!

Kayden is really starting to love the park and he is getting pretty good at going down the slide. We have to hold onto him or he would fly off when he reached the end of the slide. He could go on that slide over and over again all day if we let him. When spring comes I have a feeling that we will be at the park quite a bit. 
I can't believe how big he is getting. He is growing up so fast. He is just such a sweet little boy and the only thing that makes me excited for him to get older is that he wont be in to everything. Other than that I wish time would slow down for a while so we could enjoy Kayden being little and so sweet for longer. 

Wyatt's craft he made at Gigi's. I forgot to take a picture of his finished product so before throwing it out I took a picture of him with it. He looks like he is in pain. haha 

We love having Papa and Gigi over. We invited them over for some games again. The kids love having them so close. What is funny is that even though we see them all the time they seem to think we don't see them enough. haha They get so excited when they come over that its as if they have not seen them in months. haha 
Play dough time!

Kayden also loves Wyatt's keyboard. If the gate is left open on the stairs Kayden will climb up the stairs and go in the older boys room so he can sit and play on Wyatt's keyboard. By the time I notice that the gate was left open and that he is upstairs this is what I find. haha

He looks so cute with those massive headphones on sitting there on that big bed playing on the piano. He is so happy when he is doing it! 

Why not sit on the table while your brothers are playing with play dough. haha Such a nut!

He is such a good helper. Trying to clean the kitchen floor for me with his vacuum. 

Brandon was able to take the older boys out golfing that weekend after Christmas. Apparently, Emmett wanted to be one of the golf bags. haha 

We also finally got some more snow. Sadly, we didn't get any right before Christmas or for Christmas this year. So when it did snow we had to make sure to turn up the Christmas music and of course shovel the drive way.

After our drive way we headed over to Papa and Gigi's to shovel their drive way. 
He looks so cute in his new beanie! 

Papa was so nice and turned on "A muppets Family Christmas" after we got done with their drive way. He sat and watched it with the boys while Gigi made cookies.

These boys are so lucky to have such nice Grandparents. They stopped everything to enjoy some time with their grandsons for just a little bit after they provided some service. It was a good start to the morning. Cold outside, but fun to go to Papa and Gigi's house and get away from our own house for just a little bit. 

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