Monday, December 21, 2020

Christmas Tree Time!

November 8th we officially put up the Christmas tree. The boys had been so excited to put up the tree and kept asking when we could do it. So that Sunday morning to finally did it and they were so excited. This was the first year that Kayden would actually be a part of it. Last year he just laid there and watched us unless we had him help us. This year he could actually try and help and he actually tried to put a couple of ornaments on the tree by himself. They didn't end up staying on the tree but he sure tried.  Kayden thought it was pretty cool putting up the tree. He was especially fascinated with the button for the lights. haha The kids always love seeing their own ornaments again each year. They always seem to put the ornaments in clusters  and we have to remind them to spread the ornaments out a little bit. haha We sure do enjoy putting up the tree and it looks so pretty when its up. 



Then of course I had to document who got to put up the star so that it isn't a fight on who gets it next year. Ethan was pretty excited to put it up this year. Plus he was big enough to do it all on his own! 

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