Wednesday, January 29, 2020

New Years Eve

Brandon had to work a little bit on New Years Eve. So me and the boys hung out at home and they played outside and with the pool table and the Nintendo switch. 

Kayden was being silly with his bottles so I laid him down on the couch in front of me and just handed him the bottle. He held it and drank some more and chewed on it/played with it. I was not expecting him to hold onto it for so long. But, he is getting older. I feel like I keep forgetting that he is getting older and should be able to do more. 

After Brando got off work we went to MOD pizza for dinner. 

Wyatt is the little scary grumpy kid in the background. He was so mad that he didn't get his own mini pizza. Yet he didn't even eat enough to have finished a mini pizza. We told him many times that it was cheaper for us to get 2 bigger pizzas than 3 mini ones. He didn't care he just wanted his own. Thankfully, we didn't give him his own because he barely ate anything. 

Then Kayden had a break down. Poor little buddy was tired and he is getting to that point where he doesn't sleep well when we are out and about anymore. 

So after crying and crying for just a few minutes. We decided to give him a chunk of crust. 
All was solved once we handed him that piece of crust. haha We let him chew on it for a little bit and then switched it out for a new one so he wouldn't get any chunks in his mouth. 

Once we were done with dinner we headed home to play some Minute to Win it games. 

We had to start off with the Oreo game. 

Those faces!! lol Brandon and I were laughing so hard at the faces they were making! haha 

It took a little while but they finally got it. 

Then Brandon had his turn. 

Next was the tissue box game. 

They had fun with that too. Although, Wyatt decided to cheat instead of finishing it the right way. 

Lastly, the straw game with chewy sweet tarts. The kids had fun doing the games and wanted to play more. But.... I only had the 3. So we had to end the fun. 

Since the games were over it was time to watch the New Years count down and bang some pots and pans. 

Kayden was excited about what was going on and yet also seemed a little nervous. I mean our boys can't just bang them normal. It has to be as hard and loud as they can possibly hit them.

It is always fun though, walking around the house banging pots and pans and yelling "Happy New Year!!" Then the best part about that is that the next part of the night is bed time. haha So we put the pots and pans away and got the kids all tucked in and said Good Night to 2019. 

Brandon and I then ended our 2019 watching "Psych the Musical" which was not terrible but not the best. haha 

But hey, we enjoyed it just the 2 of us and then we said Good Night to 2019 as well. 2019 was a crazy year with the purchase of a new office building. Welcoming our sweet Kayden into our family as our caboose, 3 family reunions, lots of visits from family and just handling being parents of 4 boys. It was a good year and I am just glad that I don't have to be pregnant again. Here is to a year of being myself and actually being able to enjoy my kids!! We are excited for what 2020 will bring for our sweet little family!! 

After Christmas Fun!

Well, Christmas may be over but we still had the rest of Christmas break to enjoy our time together. So I started it off with giving all the kids hair cuts. haha 

They all were looking really shaggy! haha So I gave them the gift of a "Christmas Shave!" haha 

Then what better way to spend the day after Christmas then going to Scheels.

Emmett and Ethan wanted to do the bowling. Wyatt wanted to do the car game. So we split up for just a little bit. 

Look at that happy face!!! So glad to see this baby feeling better again. 

Now that Kayden decided that he could roll over both back to tummy and then back again he would keep rolling under the Christmas tree and grab at the ornaments. It was pretty cute seeing him under the Tree so intent on getting the ornaments. haha 

Then we made our way to Brandon's office building again to let the kids roller blade some more. 

They just kept falling. Or should I say "Wyatt" kept falling. He was going to break a hip with how often he was falling. That crazy kiddo!! They still had fun though. Which is all that matters really. We had to order knee/elbow pads online for them so they wouldn't break their knee caps. haha 

Kayden absolutely loves cereal boxes. Every time we get cereal out he gets super excited. It really is the cutest thing. 

Before we knew it it was time to go to the Nuggets game. We headed down to Denver a little earlier than we needed to just so that we could go eat lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and then stop at the Giving Machine to donate some things to those who need it. We were so excited to be able to do that with our boys. Sadly, it ended up being super cold and snowing that day. Which of coarse we decided to park at the Pepsi center and just walk where we needed to so we didn't have to pay for parking twice. 

It was freezing!!! Thankfully, we had Kayden's stroller which keeps him in a cocoon. So Brandon pushed him and I carried Emmett. Ethan and Wyatt were cold but handled it. It was a long walk for being in the freezing cold. The worst part about it is that it was windy!! We were all freezing and couldn't wait to be inside where it was warm. 

We finally made it to the Cheesecake Factory and ended up ordering each of the kids their own food. Which was a mistake. Their portions are huge!! We should have gotten 1 maybe 2 kids meals. No one finished their food. haha It was tasty though. So oh well! 

Then we walked over to the Giving Machine. 

It was nice being able to go do that. We were so glad when we heard that they opened one up in Denver. We were just a little bummed that it was so freezing cold! The wind was brutal! The kids were champs. 

After doing the Giving Machine we made it back to the car and turned on a movie for the boys. We figured we would warm up in the car a little bit and let them watch some of a movie since we still had close to an hour before the doors opened to the Pepsi Center. 

We have Arrived!!! Got into the Pepsi Center and found our seats. Then Brandon went off to explore a little bit and get a snack with Ethan and Emmett and Wyatt, Kayden and I stayed back. 

Excited for the game!! 

Poor Kayden was so tired but it was so loud in the stadium. Plus we were sitting right in front of the band. The drums were super loud. I ended up grabbing my coat sleeve and holding it over his ear to help drown out the noise. He did sleep for a little bit and I was so glad. He really needed it. Look at that cute chubby face. haha The way I was holding his head against me made his little lips pucker out once he was out. He looked so chubby. So stinking cute!!!!! 

It was a fun game. Although the kids end up just wanting snacks and spilling sodas. Its the memories that count! haha We may have to take a year or 2 break though. I wouldn't want to do that with a toddler. No Thanks! haha 

After getting home we got the kids to bed and then let Kayden have some time to himself on the floor. He had been either held or in his car seat all day. You could tell he was ready to be on the floor and do what he wanted. 

So he spent some time rolling on the floor under the Christmas tree playing with ornaments. haha 
We had lots of fun during the boys Christmas break.