Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Fun leading up to Christmas

After our trip to California we were all just getting excited and ready for Christmas. There were school Christmas parties, office parties, cookie decorating, sickos and lots of shopping to get ready for Christmas. We did have fun leading up to Christmas even though it was pretty busy! 

What a sweet face!!! I seriously can't get enough of that cute little face!!! 

Grinch Day at school. Wyatt didn't have a plain green shirt so he wore one of Brandon's and then we sprayed his hair and put some green makeup that I had on his face. haha He loved it!! 

This is a Turkey that Emmett painted at school.  Pretty good job I think! 

Then it was time for our office Christmas party. 

Some carolers came to sing at the restaurant and came into our room. Towards the end of their performance they asked if anyone wanted to sing with them so everyone said that Brandon sang. So he got pulled into singing one last song with them. haha 

It was a fun evening with their office staff. The hard part is that Kayden was having a hard time at home with the babysitter. I kept getting texts saying that he wouldn't take a bottle or go to sleep and he was just crying. I didn't know what to do because I couldn't just leave. Eventually she got him to sleep and all was good. Poor little buddy. When we arrived home that evening he was crying. So I grabbed him from the babysitter and he was so sad. I ended up cuddling with him for a little while to try and calm him down. Turns out he was getting Emmetts nasty cold. So that was fun! 

Then it was time for school Christmas parties. I got to go help out in Wyatt's class because it fell on a Friday. So Brandon stayed home with Emmett and Kayden and I got to go help out in class. Wyatt was so excited to see him. He was a little bummed when I told him that I was helping out and not just there to watch him and go around the stations with him. I love seeing them so happy to see me. 

Wyatt had fun. I was in charge of the snack table and I don't think I have ever been to a class party when the kids kept asking for more snacks. They were like bottomless pits. It was crazy!! I was glad when it was over. haha 

Then Brandon and I went to lunch with Emmett and Kayden. 

Kayden was being fussy so we let him chew on an apple. He LOVED it. We had to take it away before he got a chunk off. Look at that sweet face though! He is just growing so fast!! 

Then he was hit hard with his sickness. He did not feel good. After his bottle in the morning he just laid on my shoulder for a little while. Didn't even move. Just laid there. I felt so bad for him. I enjoyed the cuddles but not the fact that he was sick. 

Ethan also had his first tooth pulled out by Dad. It was a tooth that they had to take out to make room for a different tooth to come down. It was not loose it was something they had to do so that one of his adult teeth could move into that spot. He has a lot of work ahead of him with his teeth. He was a champ with it all though. He had to get a shot and everything in his mouth. It was funny seeing him with half his lip drooping because of being numb. haha

Cookie time!!

I decided to make sugar cookies with the kids and then make some fill icing so they could decorate them and then we could take them to some of their friends. It was a huge mess. I had never made filler icing before and so it was hard to get the consistency correct. The kids had fun though. 

Sad little baby boy!

Sadly, we ended up letting the kids eat some and then threw away the rest. We had Emmett coughing all over the place and Wyatt sneezed right next to the cookies. So as we were bagging them up to be able to take them to their friends. I decided it probably wasn't a good idea. I told them that we were not going to take them to friends because we didn't want to risk getting their friends sick. So it was a lot of work for nothing. At least the kids had fun! 

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