Tuesday, January 28, 2020

November 30th till December 11th 2019

The morning after everyone left I came downstairs to the boys all sitting on the couch watching a sewing show. haha I took this picture and headed upstairs to tell Brandon.

It was so funny that they were all sitting there just watching it. They know how to change the channel and yet they thought it was so interesting. It was quite a funny way to start the morning. 

Someone was tired as we ran errands. Silly kid!! If he would stop waking up in the middle of the night I am sure he wouldn't be as tired during the day. 

I also got to work on making Carmel Popcorn that beginning of December. I had quite a bit to get done and I wanted to get most of it done before we left for California so I didn't come back having a ton to do. 

So cute that all the boys wanted to sleep on the floor together listening to the Santa Clause Record tape. Emmett actually slept better when they were all on the floor together. 

The many faces of Kayden when he eats foods. It is so silly that he doesn't love fruit. He seems to enjoy vegetables way more than fruit. I will take it while I can. haha

 A couple of evenings Kayden was having a hard time going to sleep. This one night he was just not wanting to give in. So I finally just sat on the couch holding him and he finally conked. Look at that sweet little face. I was totally fine with him sleeping in my arms while we watched some TV that night. 

And then there are these boys.....

 All three of them came upstairs with balls in their shirts saying they were girls. What nutty kids. 

On December 5th we had to take Kayden down to the Children's hospital in Denver to get a VCUG done and to meet with the pediatric urologist afterwards to discuss what we need to do about his kidney issue. I was not excited about this procedure. They had to put a catheter in Kayden and fill up his bladder with some fluid that had dye in it so that they could get images to see if his bladder was refluxing back into his kidney and that is why he had an enlarged kidney. So Brandon planned to take the afternoon off so he could come with me and Kayden so I didn't have to be there alone with him. I was already emotional about it and we had heard that it was a terrible experience and to not go back with him. So I was pretty worried about how it was going to go and wanted Brandon there for emotional support. Plus if Kayden did have a really hard time with it then I would have Brandon there to listen better to the specialist and understand what the next step was. So I dropped Emmett off at a friends house and then as soon as Brandon got home we left for Denver. 

 Thankfully Kayden did great. Both Brandon and I were in the room for it and they just had Brandon hold Kayden's arms up over his head so that he didn't grab at anything. He cried a little bit when they had to dig around a little bit because they didn't get the catheter in right at first. Then once that part was done he just grunted and seemed uncomfortable. Brandon and I just stood behind him and talked to him and he did pretty good. I was so relieved that he didn't scream the whole time. That would have been really hard to handle. After it was over we got him dressed and then headed to the doctors office. 
The face of... "I just had a huge tube stuck up my peeker." Poor little buddy! 
We were early to the doctors office so we headed to grab some lunch. Then we met with the doctor and he said that we needed more tests to figure out the real reason the Kidney isn't emptying. He said that we had ruled out bladder reflux and now we have to figure out the real cause for the blockage. So sadly we have to go back later to do more testing. After talking with the doctor we rushed back to the car so that we could get back home, pick up Emmett from preschool and then get to the Elementary school for Ethan's wax museum presentation. 

Thankfully we made it with 15 minutes left and Ethan was very excited to see us there. 

He did a great job and looked so professional. 
We were just glad we made it! It was a whirlwind of a day. 

This is Emmett pretending to be "Jesus" as he said. He said he had powers to make the ocean rise really high and this is supposedly how he sits. It was kind of funny. 

Then we played with the race track. 

Kayden loved playing with the cars. Or should I say sucking on the cars. haha 

My little Caramel popcorn helper! :-) 
He loves this little froggy chair and I was able to sit him in this chair by me while I made some caramel popcorn. 

Nothing better than window decorations. :-) 

Look at that happy face!! 

Time for expanders. 
Ethan and Wyatt had to get expanders to make room for all of their adult teeth. They both have super crowded teeth. Ethan is going to need braces as well and we will see if Wyatt ends up needing braces after the expansion. 

What studs these boys are!! 

The expander all ready to be put in their mouth.

My little helper. haha He loves holding onto the brown sugar bag while I make caramel popcorn. 

Then while I made dinner one evening I gave Kayden a chunk of celery just to chew on to keep him busy while I cut stuff up and made dinner. He was very interested in it and mostly starred at it. haha 

Then while we got all packed up to go to California and visit Papa and GG Kayden was doing pretty well with sitting up all by himself for a little bit. He is getting so big so fast!! 

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