Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Christmas Eve!!!

Christas Eve day was filled with Christmas movie watching, dealing with a sad and sick baby, opening presents from cousins and going to dinner. It was fun even though poor Kayden didn't feel good at all. He had been coughing so hard the past couple of days that he would throw up what he was drinking. It was so sad. I was just worried about him getting dehydrated. We made the most of the day though and the kids had fun and were super excited for Christmas to finally be here. 

Brandon got up with Kayden that morning a little after 7 and when I came downstairs I found him like this. Kayden had been crying and when Brandon picked him up and took him downstairs he fell back to sleep like this. Poor little sick buddy! 

Look at that sad little face!! He just looked so sickly!! 😢

Then we made gingerbread houses. 

The kids had fun doing that and Emmett of course could barely manage to wait to eat his candy. haha 

Then we headed to an earlier dinner at Hu Hot. 

This was such a great face to see. Sad little Kayden was finally smiling and acting a little happier. We were hopeful that it meant that he was going to start feeling better and not be super sick for his first Christmas. 

The kids were super excited to watch their food get cooked in front of them. We convinced them to go to Hu Hot instead of going to a Hibachi grill. We said that we could go get ice cream afterwards if we went to Hu Hot. We wouldn't be able to go get ice cream if we went to Hibachi since it would be super expensive. They were cool with that. 

After too much food in our tummies we walked over to Kilwins just down the street for some yummy ice cream. 
Then it was time to head home and make sure we were there for the elf to drop of Santa's cookie mix and then open up the kids ornament presents. 

All the kids liked their ornaments except Wyatt. I was a little hesitant to get him a Daniel Tiger ornament but it was the cutest one that I saw that was about reading. So he has to deal with it. haha Then after making Santa's cookies it was off to bed so that Santa could make his way to our house. Merry Christmas Eve!!

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