Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Christmas 2019!!!

Christmas morning started with the boys coming our room at 7 super excited and exclaiming to us that Santa had come. They were so excited and could hardly wait to get downstairs and start opening up their many presents. So they left the room and Brandon and I got up so that we could go enjoy watching them open up their stockings. Kayden was still asleep thankfully so we let the boys open up their stockings and then by the time they were done Kayden woke up and then we could let him open up his. I love Christmas morning!! It is so fun seeing these boys cute little faces light up with all the cool things they get from Santa. After stockings we started with Santa's presents to them and then slowly made our way through the rest of the gifts. We have the boys get each other gifts each year as well so that they can feel the excitement of not just getting but giving. They sure do love giving each other gifts and it is fun to see how excited they are to have their brothers open their gifts from them. 

Then boys even got gift cards from Santa. Wyatt got one to Wendy's.
Ethan got one to Subway and Emmett got one to Chick-Fil-A. Man Santa sure delivered this year!! 

What is funny about this picture is that I caught a picture of him while he was saying something. haha He was glad that it wasn't a girl one or something like that. So when I took the picture I caught him at the perfect time to have him look like he thought it was super dorky. haha He didn't! 

Look at that loot!! 

Brandon got some chocolate orange sticks and a Zelda game. 

Then it was time for Kayden to open up his stocking. It was his very first Christmas and he was actually pretty excited about it all. Thankfully, he was feeling a little better that day. We were so glad he wasn't feeling as terrible as he had been. Especially since it was his first Christmas. 

At first he didn't really know what to do. But then he got really excited about presents that were put in front of him. 

What a cute little face!! 

Emmett got a snow shovel from Wyatt and was really excited about it. 

Although, I think he may have been more excited about the massive bubble wrap that was in the box. haha 

Emmett got the Colossal Crash track from Santa and was super excited. 

Wyatt and Ethan got roller blades. 

Ethan was bummed at first. He said that he was wishing he had put the toilet paper gun on his list first so that Santa would have given him that instead of roller blades. I told him that maybe Santa knew better and figured he would enjoy these better. Well guess what?? I was right! haha He ended up saying that he was glad he had gotten roller blades and that he really liked them. haha 


Trying out his mesh food holder. We put an apple chunk in it and at first he wasn't too sure about it but after a little bit he started to really like it. 

New sweatshirts for all the boys!! 

Emmett was so excited to give Brandon some honey BBQ Fritos. It was so cute how excited he was. 

Kayden gave all the boys their own bag of chips. haha So this was them giving him a hug for their chips. 

Emmett gave Wyatt a 7 year old joke book. He was pretty excited about that. 

Emmett gave than a "Where is Waldo" book. He wasn't sure about it at first but then got excited about it when Brandon showed him what it was all about. 

Ethan gave Emmett a learning game. Which Emmett was obviously super excited about. 

Ethan also gave Wyatt a basketball. 
Wyatt ended up giving Emmett the snow shovel and Ethan a Brain games book. They were all very excited to give each other their gifts. 

Then we ended the gifts with telling the boys we were going to be going to the movie Theatre that afternoon to go see "Spies in Disguise" and then a few days later going to a Nuggets game. 

They were pretty excited about that news. 

Brandon opened his last gift of a Go Pro hero 7. haha He was pretty stoked. 
I got some exercise pants and swim suit. It was great!! 

The last present for the day was downstairs in the basement. 

They were all shocked and flipping out. Then as they are unwrapping it Ethan says, "I know what it is... its a pool table!" We couldn't believe he guest it. haha 

They were all super excited about it. Then we had to lay down the ground rules. We were not about to just let them have free reign on it without any rules. So once those were set they were ready to play. 

Then the boys headed outside to rollerblade.

Oh and shovel. haha 

Then we were off to the movie Theatre. 

We didn't go to the movie bistro which we were kind of regretting because there is way more leg space at that theatre and having the carseat there was almost impossible to fit him in front of our seats. Thankful we barely made it work and Kayden actually slept through most of the movie. The movie was really funny and we had a great time. 

After the movie we headed to Brandon's new office building to let the kids rollerblade some more. 
After falling multiple times we decided it was time to head home. 

Enjoying watching the kids get some energy out after all that sitting and popcorn eating. haha

While we were at home Kayden got to try out his "mum mums". He was really excited about them but then started gagging on them. He wasn't quite ready for them. 

That face just makes it all worth it. haha I ended up letting him chew on the wrappers instead of giving him more mum mums. He was gagging too much and I figured it was less stress for me while I cooked dinner if he just chewed on the wrapper. haha 

After some yummy dinner the kids played a little longer and then it was bed time. Once the kids were in bed we got to hang out with little Kayden a little bit longer. 

He decided that night that he was going to finally get the hang of rolling from back to tummy and then back to his back. He had not been able to roll back onto his back from his tummy until Christmas night. Then all of a sudden he got it. He only rolled one way though which was kind of funny. 
Once Kayden was in bed Brandon and I enjoyed the end of Christmas by watching "White Christmas" together before calling it a night as well. All in all it was a great Christmas! I was just glad that Kayden was feeling better. I am so glad that we had Christmas and we get to enjoy this time with our families as well as the time we get to reflect on our Saviors birth. It was a great Christmas!! 
Merry Christmas!!!

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