Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thanksgiving Trip to California

So right before Thanksgiving break I got my wisdom teeth pulled at the Dental School. I was going to need them out sometime so we figured why not do it because we have any more kids and I just wanted to get it done so I would not have to worry about it anymore. So on November 15 I went in and was put under for the first time in my life! haha Yes I did the IV sedation. It was weird getting put under because everything just kind of got all woozy and then the next thing I knew I woke up and they were drilling one of my teeth. It sounded like they were jack hammering my tooth which was really weird. I remember looking back and forth from the doctor to Brandon and back again just wondering if they noticed that I was awake. haha So then after that I remember waking up again and the Doctor was telling me that they were almost done and that he was just finishing up my stitches. I did feel it when Brandon gave me the shot into the roof of my mouth. I dont know how because that is the only one I felt and it was like I was asleep but I felt it, it was really weird! Anyways then after all was said and done I sat in the recovery room waiting to be discharged home and my mouth was SOO dry because of the stuff they give you so that you salavate all over the place while they are working on you. Then we headed home and I sat on the couch for the next 2 days. The first day I was not hungry at all and I did not drink much. The second day I finally ate some mashed potatoes for dinner and then I felt like throwing up because I had not eaten anything for like 2 days. Luckily I did not throw up because I probably would have pulled out some of my stitches and we would have had to go back in the next day so get them fixed.
My cheeks got swollen but not too bad. This was that night after getting them pulled!

So anyways then on Thursday we headed to my parents house for the rest of the Thanksgiving break. I was still pretty sore until Saturday but then things stared turning around and I got a lot better. Thanks to the drugs and time and the Priesthood! :-) My siblings did not get in town until the day before thanksgiving so Brandon and I partied it up with my parents until they got there. As soon as I was feeling good enough we went to Bass Pro Shop to let Ethan see Santa for the first time. He did not freak out or anything and he kind of went right to him and just sat on his lap. I think he was more interested with the characters on Santa's house. haha

They had a pretty cool set up at Bass Pro Shop for Santa's workshop. They even had a little carousel.
So of coarse Grandpa took Ethan on it.
Then we put Ethan on this little toy and he really liked it! haha He looks like such a big boy it is kind of sad!!

Grandpa also taught Ethan how to play the Harmonica! He was a natural and really liked to play it once he new how and it did not take him long to learn how! haha So cute!

And of coarse Grandma had fun taking pictures of Ethan...

My mom has lots of singing Dogs and stuffed animals for Christmas that Ethan loves and Grandma had to fix one so Ethan figured he had to try as well. What a smart kid!

Ethan loved playing outside on all of the green grass and we found a little football to play with and man did he love it. He had so much fun!

Our little puppy!! haha

We had a lot of fun just hanging out with everyone once they all got there, lots of memories. It is always fun to hangout with family since we dont get together all that often anymore. Also we took family pictures again. So here are some of those! :-)

I have the cutest little family!!

Ethan and his Grandma and Grandpa Bell.

I LOVE this picture of my boys!!

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