Wednesday, December 18, 2019

6 Months already?

I can't believe my baby is 6 months old already!! That is half a YEAR!!! What?? I love all of these different stages with him but I really would love for time to slow down a bit. It seems as though time is just flying by too fast. I feel like I can't enjoy him enough even though I am still cuddling with him whenever he will let me and having fun making him laugh and all that jazz. It just seems like he is going to get too big too fast and I won't know where the time has gone. Anyways.... he is such a sweet little boy and we are sure enjoying him. I am truly enjoying this little guy. Which is what I was hoping for. I didn't want to WANT to wish it away. Thankfully, I am not wishing time to go faster, just wishing it to slow down. So to celebrate Kayden hitting the 6 month mark we fed him his first taste of peas. haha YAY for him!! haha He actually did really well with them. I was surprised. Our other boys didn't like peas at all!! 

What a sweet little face!! He is looking so big now!! 

I love the shiver face.haha 

These were some of the good faces I got of him while he ate his peas. He did pretty good in the beginning and then when he was getting tired of it he started to make more gag faces and would shiver. haha It was quite funny to watch. I always love watching their reactions to trying new foods. 

Sadly, I never took a nice 6 month old picture with my big camera. I just squeezed in this picture on my phone. He sure is a cutie pie though. He has the cutest giggle and grunts a lot. haha He loves toys that make crinkle noises and his sun rattle. He also loves to sit in his froggy chair with us while we eat dinner and will watch us as we eat. I think he is getting ready to start eating more foods. haha We sure are loving this little guy in our family. His 6 month check was a couple weeks after he hit 6 months. 

He weighed in at
16lbs 11ounces

He is getting pretty heavy and we are happy he is getting chubbier. He sleeps really good at night. I wake him up to dream feed him still at about 10:30 or 11 and then he sleep until 6-7:30. It is nice to not have to get up in the middle of the night. I sleep really good in that time frame. 
We also had to go in for another ultrasound for Kayden's left kidney. He has had an issue of his being more dilated since he was in my tummy. So we went in to Hospital and got another ultrasound. At his doctors visit the doctor told me that the radiologist said that the Kidney was basically getting worse. It was a little bit more dilated than the past ultrasound and some of the good tissue surrounding it was starting to thin. So that was not good news. So Dr. Hanson said he was going to put in a referral to a pediatric urologist to have him see Kayden and let us know what the next move would be. So I went home ready to wait for a couple of days to hear from this specialists office. I ended up hearing from them and they said that the doctor just wanted us to go ahead and get the VCUG done since his Kidney issue had gotten so much worse in such a short period of time. So we got that all set up and planned for December 5th. I was not very excited about having to go and thankfully Brandon planned on cleaning his schedule so he could come with me. I didn't want to go at it alone and deal with Kayden screaming. We had heard that it was not going to be a fun experience and I was nervous and ready to be crying because my baby was getting hurt. So we planned to go to the children's hospital in Denver the beginning of December. I cried a little bit once we had it all planned. I was so nervous for our sweet little Kayden!! Poor little guy was going to have a catheter and he is so tiny!! Not fun!! So other than his messed up Kidney he is a happy healthy baby boy and brings so much joy into our family!!

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