Monday, June 29, 2020

Enjoying our family time!

Although there is a pandemic going on all around us. We sure have been enjoying our time together as a family. It has been nice having Brandon home with us all the time. Besides Covid-19 and having to deal with homeschooling the kids life has been pretty good lately. We have had so much time together as a family and the kids really don't seem to mind that we are stuck at home. They are so lucky to have each other to play with. I am also glad that they play so well together. So we have had a good time with the boys. Here are some pictures of the fun and chaos that is going on in our house!

Kadyen loves to venture into the kitchen and play with the Tupperware. It is the only cabinet that we leave unlocked. He left it unlocked when Emmett was a little guy too. It keeps Kayden occupied in the kitchen with something that isn't dangerous. So I am all for it.

What a sweet face!!

Kayden is into everything these days. He also likes to pull himself up to everything. This one time he wanted his brothers chips. haha Silly goose!

We decided to have fun and make a huge fort down in the basement. It was fun and when we were done we watched a movie in it.

We had fun watching the movie in our fort.

And of course drinking malts. haha Kayden really liked that part of the evening. He kept trying to drink all of Brandon's for him.

Not the most comfortable, but, it was still a fun evening and the kids loved it.

Crazy boys playing around in the fort.

Storyline online has been such a cool thing for the boys to enjoy. 

Before taking the fort down we let the boys sleep in it. They were pretty excited to sleep in the fort.

I finally caught a good "Ooo" face from Kayden. He makes this face all the time. The best part is that he says, "Ooo" As he does it. It is pretty much the cutest.

Hair Cuts!

One of Wyatt's friends (Paxton) Shaved his head. So naturally the boys all wanted to do it. So we finally let them because its not like we are going anywhere these days!
It almost hurt me to let them shave their heads. But... I decided to let them this one time.
They were pretty giddy about it!

They look so weird with their heads shaved. It will take a while to get used to it!

Kayden is just so stinking cute!! I love his little faces that he makes. 

We also got the ice cream popsicles from Costco call Mallona. They are super tasty!! Mango, honeydew and coconut flavors. Kayden enjoyed them too. haha 

Since we were all stuck at home we decided to refinish our dining table. The surface of the table was coming off and our plates were stinking to the table. It was really annoying. So we figured why not sand it down and refinish it. 

While we worked. The boys played!! 

The kids had lots of fun in the backyard and Kayden was liking all the bubbles floating around. 

Kayden is so funny. He loves to watch across the kitchen holding onto the cabinets and shaking the cabinet doors. 

He also absolutely loves the dishwasher. Anytime the dishwasher is getting loaded or unloaded he is there with a happy face trying to either climb into it or play with whatever is inside of it. haha When we take him away from it he cries and throws a little fit. haha What a silly little boy! 

He also LOVES watching the boys brush their teeth. Every night when the boys go upstairs to brush their teeth Kayden follows them upstairs and goes straight to the bathroom squealing and so happy to watch them. haha 

Then one Sunday we decided to do a little act of service. We super hero attached a couple of our friends. So we printed out some super hero pictures and colored them and then when we were all done we took them over to 2 of our friends houses. Kayden even got a turn with coloring his own super hero. He loved it! He thought it was so funny and had the biggest grin on his face! 

Look at that happy face! 

This is what we did! It was so fun to do this little act of service. Since we can't hang out with our friends or really do anything service wise in person with other people this worked out perfectly! We just dropped them off and rang the door bell! It was a fun Sunday afternoon! The kids had a lot of fun doing it too! 

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