Monday, June 14, 2021

A fun and busy May

May was filled with end of the school year celebrations, playing outside, a birthday and just trying to make the most of life. It was a fun but busy month. 

We started out May with a nice bike ride together. 

Emmett wanted a candy from the store and I told him that he would have to earn it. So as soon as we got home he asked what he could do to earn some money. I let him clean the back door. It was nice how excited he was to earn his candy. 

This is how Kayden has been hiding lately. haha It is pretty cute. He will run to the pillow in the corner and then hide his face and not move. Then when I say "Where is Kayden?" he will pop out with a big grin and giggle. 
We have been able to go to church each Sunday for a little while just for sacrament meeting. The boys also have had a couple of Zoom primary meetings. They do pretty good about paying attention. This was just so cute seeing all of them sitting together for their zoom primary. 

Ethan drew this in school this year! It turned out pretty good and he really liked it. 

One day I was looking for Kayden. The gate was left open so I knew he had gone upstairs. When I got up the stairs Kayden was just sitting in his rocking chair with his binkie and blanket and a cool car. It was cute just watching him sitting there with a car. He was so happy! 

We also went to Jason's Deli with the kids for dinner one evening. It had been quite a long time since we had been and we thought it would be yummy to get their ice cream. haha 

All of the kids loved the ice cream, especially Kayden! It was all over his face and he kept licking it so fast it was funny to watch. He sure made a mess!!! 

Mischievous little boy!! He went over to the table and was getting into the soda cup. It is so hard to get mad at that cute little face. 

Another one of Emmett's art works from preschool.

We also decided to do something fun for Cinco De Mayo this year. We have never really done anything for Cinco De Mayo. It normally passes us by without us realizing it. So this year we thought it would be fun to do a yummy Mexican food night and do a pinata with the kids. The boys were so excited to do a pinata. 

I don't know if we have ever done  a pinata with the boys. So they were so excited. Kayden wasn't super into it. He tried once and then didn't really care after that until the candy came spilling out. All 3 of the older boys got way too much candy. I shouldn't have filled it up so much. haha 

I let Emmett and Kayden eat their lunch in the ottoman and they thought it was the coolest thing! 
Emmett's preschool got canceled the second to last week because of one of the teachers getting Covid. That was a bummer for him and for me. haha 

I was winking at Kayden and this was his face he made back to me. haha 

Brandon and I decided it was time to change up the landscaping of our front yard. We were kind of tired of our lack of curb appeal and our bushes were pretty much dead. 

Trip to Scheels:

Emmett wanted a picture of what he called, "The unicorn fish" haha

Kayden liked seeing the fishes! 

Emmett found this hat and said he wanted it for birthday and then he would match Papa. 
I think it is so funny how he always poses like this these days.

Time to get to work on our yard! Emmett wanted to help out so Brandon had him help level out the gravel he put down. 

Here is the after!! It took us 2 afternoons. Probably 4 hours with digging out the old plants and putting everything else in and the shopping for the plants. Maybe a little more with the shopping for plants. It was fun though and we think it looks a lot better. 

Anytime Kayden sees a white or grey car he says, "Gigi cool car!" 

Mothers Day!

Mothers day this year was pretty good. Brandon and the boys made me some yummy eggs and muffins for breakfast.

Wyatt made me this little story in school. It is such a cute story. 

The reason I am a Mom!! I sure do love these boys! 

When the boys were bugging me and wanting to do things for me I told them they could go outside and find me a cool leaf. haha 

A lovely dandelion flower from Emmett. 

So handsome all dressed up for Church. 

After church we had my parents over for dinner. It was fun being able to have my mom over for Mother's day. So we invited them over for dinner and then my boys gave me and my mom a massage. haha 

It was a great Mother's day and I felt lucky to be able to share it with my Mom. 

The mornings were still pretty chilly in the beginning of May but the kids wanted to get outside and play still.

Then it was time for Emmett's preschool graduation!

I was so proud of Emmett he actually sang and did the hand motions. Last year he was too nervous to just do it in front of our little family. He is always so shy so it was great seeing him be brave enough to sing the songs and do the actions with them. It was fun to watch him and to see the progress he has made this year. 

It was a little sad thinking that he is done with preschool and will be going to full day school next year. However, he is ready to be in full day school. He gets bored around the house with just me and Kayden. He also needs the social interaction so he continues to grow and mature. He keeps saying that he doesn't want to go to Kindergarten because he will miss me too much. Which is sweet that he says that. Especially since that means that he does love me even if he doesn't act like it when he throws tantrums all the time still. Emmett was also sad to not have Mrs. Jamie as his teacher anymore. He has loved having Mrs. Jamie and Mrs. Wendy. In fact the couple of times that Mrs. Jamie was not there when she was supposed to be Emmett would get all sad and even almost cried once. He kept saying that he was going to miss her. I guess its a good things they are in our ward. haha I had to tell Emmett that he can see her at church on Sunday's. He was happier about that. 

Our flowers in the front yard also started to bloom!! So pretty!! 

Just some bubble fun! 

We went to the park with one of Wyatt's friends Dallis. He had been asking for months to do a play date but would always remind me at the worst time. Or he would say, "Dallis and I are going to meet at the park at 1 tomorrow." Which I would then have to tell him that I had not talked to his Mom so that couldn't happen unless me and his mom planned it out. So we finally made it happen and met at the Twin Silos park. When it was getting closer to the time we had to leave Dallis came running over and told me that Emmett had fallen in the water. By the time we got over there I thought maybe he just got his legs wet. When I asked him what was wet he motioned to all of him. haha So we had to pack up and head home to get him changed before going back to the Chiropractor. It made for a busy morning. 

So after getting adjusted I made a stop for something yummy to drink!! It always makes the day seem better! haha 

We also had Kayden's 2 year well check. He is right on track with his growth which is great. He weighed almost 26 pounds and like 34 inches tall. He was getting bored waiting for the doc and kept putting his shirt in the drawer.

He had a toe prick while we were there that he didn't even flinch for. Then after getting the check up the doc wanted to get one more blood pressure. Kayden was not having it!! He cried the entire time. He kept saying "done" and would just sob! It was so sad! We tried everything to make him happy and nothing worked. So his readings were way off!! After trying like 3 times we just called it good and moved on. As soon as we decided to not do it anymore he was slightly shaking and then when he realized they were not doing it anymore he happily said, "Bye" and then was out the door. Silly little boy!! 

Who needs to catch bugs in a bug catcher when you can just catch rocks! haha 

Also, who needs a lawn mower when you have an Emmett who likes to cute the long grass with scissors! haha 

Just some static fun on the trampoline!! haha 
I tried to do some one on ones with the boys in May since it had been a long time since I had done a one on one with the kids. Since I was leaving the end of the month I thought it would be a good idea to squeeze in some time with the kids before I left. So Emmett and I had a fun afternoon meeting Papa and Gigi at firehouse for lunch and then I played tennis with Emmett in the front while Kayden napped. 

Ethan and I rode our bikes to Freddies for some ice cream which was fun too. It was fun to just sit and chat with Ethan. He is getting so grown up it is crazy!! I haven't had time to just sit and talk with Ethan in a long time. Normally its just me getting things done around the house and the kids playing with each other. So it was fun to chat with Ethan. 

Went on a walk in the morning with the 2 younger boys. They had to stop at every dandelion and pick it and give it to me. haha 

Kayden looks so little on this little toy but he sure loves it! haha 

I told Emmett to put his flowers he picked for me in a jar. When I got outside he had put them in the jar like this. haha 

So I had to tell him what I meant and help his redo it. 

We also went on a walk on the poudre River trail with Gigi. 

It was fun exploring the Poudre Trail. The river is super high right now from all the rain we have gotten. It was a fun morning going on a nice walk. 

Then I took Wyatt on his one on one to see a movie. I figured it would be fun to go to the theatre with Wyatt since he loves to watch movies. So we went and saw Godzilla vs. Kong since he was wanting to see it so badly. It was a fun afternoon with just Wyatt. 

Then Ethan had his graduation. 

I can't believe Ethan has graduated 5th grade!! He is off to Middle school next year! How did that happen?? I did have to hold back some tears as I thought of how old he is getting and that he is not just a little boy anymore. He is no longer going to be in Elementary school which seems super weird! He has grown up a lot this year and I am excited to keep watching his progress in school and just life in general. It is just a little sad knowing that he is saying good bye to his elementary years and moving on to Middle School. He has had such great teachers and he has said that he is sad to leave his teachers and a lot of his friends because they are going to kinard instead of preston. I just hope he can meet some good friends next year in his new school! 

Last Day of School! 

Official Last day of 5th grade!

Official Last Day of 2nd grade!

Both of these boys have grown so much this year! They were both excited for summer but kind of bummed. They liked seeing their friends every day and having things to do all day long. Ethan said he didn't want summer break because he gets bored. haha So I guess this summer I will have to think of more things to do than play in the pool and in the backyard. Still so crazy to think that they are done for the year and I will have 3 kids in full day school in the fall!! We are excited for summer break and all the fun we can have together plus I get excited for warm weather! Bring on Summer Break!!

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