Monday, February 28, 2022

Our sick February!

Our February started with our poor little sick Kayden. We went to the boys basketball games that Saturday morning and Kayden was super whiny the whole time. He just kept crying and telling Brandon he needed him. He didn't want any of the snacks I brought for him and he just kept crying. By the time we got home he was not feeling good at all. Then his fever started and by the evening he was crying and saying that his tongue hurt. My first thought was maybe he had Hand Food and Mouth. So we looked at his mouth and didn't see any sores. Then Brandon got him to open his mouth wide and was able to take a peek in his throat. He had pus spots on his throat. We were going to take him in to the urgent care but the pediatric urgent care closed at 7 and it was 7:30. Brandon then found a couple amoxicillin tabs in our medicine cabinet that were for Wyatt a long time ago. So we started Kayden on some antibiotics. 

Look at that poor little sick buddy!! He just looked miserable and so sick! Brandon was able to get some more antibiotics for Kayden and we just made sure to keep those in him so that he could get better. What was also sad is that when he would go to sleep he would want his binkie. As soon as he would put it in his mouth he would cry and say, "stings!" then he would want me to wash it and he would try again. After having me try to wash it off so it wouldn't sting anymore multiple times I told him to just not use it if it hurt him. So he just kept it near him in his bed. It was so sad to watch. He wanted his binkie so bad and yet it hurt his mouth and made him cry. It was kind of bitter sweet! We were about to break him of his binkie and then he got sick and it happened all on its own. He didn't use a binkie that whole week. So we just got rid of it all together! 
After a couple of days on the meds he was finally starting to feel a little better. 

He wasn't just sitting on the couch starring at Mickey Mouse. He actually wanted to play. Which made me so happy! It was so sad to see him so sickly! 

In fact he wanted to have a birthday party. So I put some frosting on a chocolate muffin and stuck a candle in it and sang Happy Pretend Birthday! He LOVED it!!! haha 

We blew the candle out multiple times. Sadly, he didn't eat any of it. I had been trying to get him to eat at least something. He still was not wanting to eat much. At least I tried! 

By Friday he was feeling a lot better. So we headed down to the Thornton outlets to get a few things. 
The little water feature they have there was frozen over and yet the water fountain was still running out the top of these snow mountains. haha It looked so cool! 

Then we stopped for some lunch at firehouse before heading home. 

That evening we had the missionaries over for some dinner. Right before they were going to arrive I looked at Kayden and noticed some red spots on the side of his neck. When I went to check it out I noticed there were red spots everywhere. Then I looked at his tummy and back and sure enough he was getting a rash all over his body. So we fed the missionaries and then gave Kayden a bath thinking that maybe the rash was from his new coat we had just bought. 
By the morning his rash was AWFUL!! 

It reminded us of when Wyatt was super sick and got his rash after being on antibiotics. We ended up taking him in to the doctors to just make sure it wasn't cause for alarm. The only reason I wanted to take him in was because his temp was a little bit elevated and I was getting worried about him. The doc said that it was most likely just a reaction from the meds and that he can stop using the meds and take some Benadryl to help the rash go away. She said it should go away pretty quickly. Although, it ended up taking a few days of giving him Benadryl and rubbing Benadryl on him for the itchiness. Poor little buddy just couldn't catch a break!

Kayden was having some rough nights from his sickness and then because of his rash. So finally we just brought him in bed with us because he would just cry in his bed and want us. This picture sums up how our night went. Lots of getting kicked in the ribs or face and not getting much sleep. 
Thankfully, after a few days his rash started to ease up and he was finally able to get some sleep. Which meant we were finally able to get some sleep. 

Trying out the smore's maker we got from a white elephant exchange party over Christmas. 
It worked ok. Although, I think our stove top works better. haha 

Getting better finally!!! 

Kayden was so excited to see his brothers get home from school. I just love how excited he gets for them to get home from school. 

The sunset after coming home from Wyatt's basketball practice one evening.

Love these boys!! 

Basketball games every Saturday. With 2 kids in the same season it made for busy Saturday's 

Sadly, that afternoon Wyatt became sick. He had played so well in his game that morning and then when they had some down time they played on the switch downstairs. I finally went downstairs to tell them that they needed to get off the screens and go play. Wyatt said he wasn't feeling good. He said he had a headache and his tummy was hurting. At first I thought he was just wanting to play the game more. My second thought was that I hoped he didn't have Covid. His coach had just emailed that morning telling us that he was not going to be there because he had tested positive. So when Wyatt said he had a headache that was one of my first thoughts. Then again they had just played on the nintendo for 3 hours. So that could have been why he had a headache. So we sent them outside to play. Wyatt put his jacket on and said he was cold. Brandon and I then went for a short walk and when we came back Wyatt was inside. He said his head and tummy hurt worse and he was really cold. So I took his temp and he had gone from a normal temp for 102.4 within 15 minutes. So he was officially sick! It came on so fast it didn't make much sense. So then I was really worried that he had covid. We decided we were not going to test him because it also could have been the flu. Especially since that night he threw up like 6 times. So we thought it was probably the flu. Poor Wyatt did not feel good. Which was lame because we had just gotten past Kayden being sick. So we were really hoping that Kayden would not get whatever Wyatt did have.

This was a science project that Ethan did for school. It was called "The Blue Bottle Experiment" He had to get the ingredients, write up the science behind it and then demonstrate it to his class. It was a hit with his class. His teacher loved it so much that she let him show other teachers who then wanted to show their classes. He even got to show it to the principle! He was pretty stoked that he had so many people loving on his experiment! It was a pretty fun experiment and he enjoyed learning about it and then performing it in front of his class. 

Oh ya, and then we had a flood in our basement. The boys were outside washing the car matts outside and when Brandon went inside to grab something from the basement there was water spraying in the basement. 
Thankfully Brandon had thought to go look for something in the basement or the water damage would have been way worse. Anyways, we had a busted pipe. Another good thing was that the water stopped spraying when he turned the faucet off outside. So Brandon got ahold of a plumber and we got to spend some fun money on a new pipe because the hose was left attached to the faucet for a chunk of the winter. 

Nothing better than some family movie time. Wyatt especially enjoys family movie time. Since he was not feeling well he did a lot of movie watching and when his stomach was not hurting him anymore he was back to eating popcorn. He ended up throwing up 6 times that night he started feeling sick. So we figured it had to be the flu. Little did we know we were wrong. 

The following week Jason and Devin were coming in to go to a friends wedding. So they were staying with us for 2 nights. Wyatt was feeling better by the time they got here but I had to keep him home from school a few more days because of the school rules. That Wednesday night Ethan had basketball practice and while we were there Ethan said his throat was bugging him. He had complained that it felt really dry that morning which I figured wasn't anything. That evening he kept looking at me during practice and motioning to his throat. I told him that we could leave early but he wanted to keep playing. By the time we got home that evening he was freezing and his throat hurt really bad. He was uncontrollably shaking while he ate dinner. So I told him to go take a hot shower to warm up. I could hear him shivering while he was in the shower too. So when he got out I told him he needed to go to bed. I gave him some meds and sent him to bed. Then he missed school the rest of that week. 

Cuddling by the fire with a tasty sucker. haha 

Out for some fresh air and a walk. 

Nothing like a boy finding a cool stick. 

Trying to catch snow on his tongue.
Just love this kid! He is growing up so fast it makes me sad! 

Emmett had a project on Australian animals and researched the Thorny Devil. This was his model of that lizard. It turned out pretty well! 

Emmett also did this. He is getting really good at coloring this year. 

When I got in Kayden's room one morning he was sitting like this and said he was driving his bus. haha It was so cute! I love seeing his imagination working. 

Poor Brandon. The weekend after Ethan got sick Brandon could not warm up. He kept saying how he was freezing all day. He was wearing his hoodie at the basketball games and kept saying how he was just super cold. That afternoon after relaxing for a little bit he went to get up and he said it hit him super hard. He was all of a sudden not feeling good at all. He was then officially down and out for about a week. We decided to not go to church that Sunday because Ethan had been sick. Emmett was now sick and had come down with a fever that Saturday just like Brandon and Brandon was sick now. So we had 4 out of 6 of us out sick. Brandon did not feel good at all. He also complained that his back was hurting him. He said it hurt wear his kidney's were. When he said that I was really starting to think it was Covid. 
So Monday I headed to Brandon's office to grab a rapid test. Sure enough he was positive! Which meant that Wyatt had had it, as well as Ethan and Emmett. So now we were just hoping that Kayden and I would not get it. 

Then a few days in to that week of Brandon being home sick Kayden came down with a fever. I kept trying to keep Kayden from getting close to Brandon but there is only so much I can do with my back still hurting. So I couldn't pull him away from Brandon every 5 seconds. I just had to cross my fingers that he wouldn't get sick. Sadly, that did not happen. So one afternoon Kayden had been totally fine and then after sitting and watching a little bit of Mickey Mouse his temp spiked and he didn't feel good all of a sudden. Shortly after that he started throwing up. 

So we gave him a bath to clean him up. Had to go wash his clothes, blanket and pull the pillow case off the couch pillows to throw them in the washer as well. Then we tried giving Kayden some medicine to help his fever go down. He ended up not being able to get any meds in him for quite a while. As soon as I would get some Tylenol in him he would throw up. It was not until that evening that I finally got some in him and he kept it down. Poor little buddy did not feel good. He threw up all over the couch 3 times. We kept trying to catch the throw up in a bowl but he would cry and lean away from the bowl. So it was a busy afternoon trying to take care of Kayden, get him to drink something and do 3 separate loads of laundry to clean up throw up. It was not a fun afternoon. I was glad that he was feeling better the next day. His did not last very long. His fever was gone the next day and he didn't throw up anymore. He ended up just getting a runny/stuffy nose and a cough after a few days. Which is kind of what happened with Emmett. Emmett just had a fever show up super quick and then it was gone the next day and then he just had a stuffy nose and cough that seemed to last forever. Pretty crazy that we had finally come down with Covid! We were just glad it was not any worse than it was. 

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