Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving Break

Well we started out Brandon's break with putting up the Christmas tree which was different then last year when we put it up. First of all we did not have a baby to stop us from enjoying it together and we did it kind of late so we did not put the ornaments on it until just last night. I am happy it is up I love Christmas. So anyways we did that and we played some racquetball and went shopping and relaxed. It was nice just to have Brandon home with me all day long. Then we went up to Idaho for thanksgiving. We were so excited to be flying and not driving. I would take a 2 hour flight over a 14 hour drive any day! haha Ethan did really good on the plane which we were happy about. Then the day after we got into Idaho it started snowing and it snowed for a couple of days. We got a good amount of snow and it was really cold so that was interesting with Ethan never being in any weather colder than 70 degrees. haha We had a lot of fun hanging out with Brandon's family playing games and relaxing. On Tuesday we had my sister in-law Vandy's baby shower and it was fun. We are so excited for their little family and having this little girl and we can't wait till they have her. Being a parent is just the best even if it is frustrating sometimes. Then on Wednesday we had thanksgiving with Brandon's moms side of the family and on Thanksgiving day we had it at the Murri's side of the family. Both were fun but I only took pictures at the Murri Thanksgiving. It was fun seeing everybody again! So here are some pictures of our Thanksgiving break. :-)

Brandon took Ethan some of the mornings while on break and for some reason he decided not to go back to sleep for a little while. So while laying in bed waiting for Brandon to come back in and noticing that he was not coming I went out to check and see where he was. This is what I found. :-) I love these boys so much!! So cute! :-)

Ethan's first airplane ride and he fell fast asleep the last 20-30 minutes of the flight! :-)

All ready to go out into the cold!

Playing in his cousin Mady's toy! Luckily she is older and does not really use it so we were able to. Thanks Coya!

Watching football after a big yummy Thanksgiving dinner!

YAY for sisters!

Coya's little girl Mady! :-) so cute, she is getting so big it is crazy!

Ethan and his cousin Brycen! Ethan is 4 1/2 months in this and Brycen is almost 8 months.

The 3 cousin so cute!!
They both look like they are ready for a long winters nap! hahahaha

I love my little family!

Such handsome boys! :-)

Then of course we had to spend the nights at home with out Christmas tree lights on and watch "The Santa Clause"! :-) YAY!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you guys had fun! He is getting SO BIG!!! I wish they could just stay little forever!
