Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Exciting Times

Well for starters we have changed our landscaping in our front yard. We planted some palms in September and a tree but it died so we had a new one planted in December and just recently we planted these BEAUTIFUL Hibiscus flowers.

They are just so pretty and we love that we decided to plant them. It adds some nice color to our frontyard. Our tree that we planted is a Jacuranda which blooms a light purple flower. We are thrilled to say that our tree is surviving. We were pretty afraid that it was going to die too but the other day we noticed there are some green leaves growing on our tree finally. For a while it looked like it was almost dead and we were going to be very frustrated to have to plant another one (thankfully this tree came with a warranty). We really like what we have done with our front yard. The best thing is we don't have to trim a tree that has 1 inch thorns all over the place. So here is what our frontyard looked like and then what it now looks like.

This is the only picture that I found of the front of our house when we had our huge thorny trees. This was the first time we saw our house.

Obviously this is what it looks like now. I know it is kind of far away but that is the only way we could get both of the palms in the picture.

Brandon was having fun holding Ethan up in the air, and Ethan was having fun being held up in the air! haha Silly boys!
We also just started our very first garden. We have a ton of rocks in our backyard, so the first thing we had to do was move all of the rocks away from the area that we were going to have our garden. It was a pain to say the least. At least we got it done and we are excited to have some fresh fruits and veggies. We planted corn, watermelon, cantaloupe, peas, and zucchini. Oh ya and of course the day we were planning of starting our garden it was cold and rainy. What are the odds that it would be raining the day that we wanted to plant a garden when the week before it had been in the 90's. I helped Brandon move the rocks and get that ready but then Ethan woke up so I had to take care of him. So I was able to put some seeds in the ground but Bran did the rest.
Ethan wanted to plant some puffs! hahaha

Brandon watering our garden after all was said and done.

Ethan was happy for a little bit in his chair since he was eating his puffs.
He loves those puffs.
Then the other night we had spaghetti for dinner and decided to blend some up for our little man. He LOVED it!!!! So we have decided that it is time to blend more of what we eat up for him and just feed him that for dinner. Until he gets some more teeth and can chew up meat and stuff like that.
Oh and Ethan is getting super close to crawling. He has been pulling himself around a lot these last few days and he has been trying so hard. So we may have a crawler on our hands soon.
Pretty exciting!! :-)

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