Monday, April 11, 2011

Growing up so fast!

Well our little monkey turned 9 months old last Friday. I can't believe in 3 months he will be 1 years old!! That is just nuts!!! He is such a cute little boy and we love him so much! Well the stats at his Doctors appointment go as follows:

16 pounds 12 ounces

27 1/2 inches tall

I did not ask for percentiles because I know that he is low in his percentiles! haha
Other than that though the doctor said that he is doing great! Which is always good to hear.
He told me to make sure to give him lots of fruits and veggies which is obvious. Then he also told me that if Ethan only gets 10-15 ounces of formula in a day that that is fine. So now my expectations for how much he drinks is not as high so I don't feel like he is going to be dehydrated by only getting 12 ounces in a day. We just have to make sure to give him some water during the day. Which by the way he loves drinking water out of his sippy cup! The doc also told me that by the time Ethan is 1 that we want him to be eating only table food and not eating baby food anymore. Which I don't think Ethan will have a problem with because he loves to feed himself and eat whatever we are eating. I can put bread or beans on his tray and if I start to eat something he wants what I am eating instead of what is on his tray! haha Silly boy!! The doc also said that by 10 or 11 months to stop buying formula and just give him whole milk and water not in a bottle. So he can be off of his bottle and formula by the time he is 1. Pretty crazy! Although I am excited to just give him milk and water and not worry about his formula intake for the day!!
Anyways, well Ethan has mastered his crawling. He started crawling March 30th and ever since then he has been getting better and better. It took him about a week to start crawling fast but now he is a master crawler. Which means he is into things that we don't want him to be into. Such as crawling over to the tile and finding one of our shoes and sucking on them! (GROSS!!) So we now have to put our shoes in a closet so that he does not suck on them! We love that he can crawl now! It is so much better than having him lay there and scream because he can't get to a toy. He has also started to go to bed by 8 oclock every night which has been so nice! Brandon and I actually have a couple of hours together every night!
He is so funny with eating. Whenever we give him finger foods he shoves so much in his mouth. We got papa murphy's pizza the other night and we gave him chunks of their cheesy bread. I think he had 4 big chunks in his mouth. His mouth was completely full and he would gag a couple of times and then chew it up again and finally he would swallow it and go for tons more. He ate a whole piece if cheesy bread by himself along with some kidney beans and some baby food squash. So he is a good eater. However he is not a good drinker. So we still have problems with him waking up for a bottle after he goes down for bed. Oh well what can we do.
He pulled himself up to our couch last night for the first time all by himself. And he loves to be walked around. Yesterday at church he did not want to crawl he wanted me to hold his hands and walk him around the halls! So we shall see how long he crawls! haha
Also Ethan LOVES his daddy. When Brandon is home from school and Ethan knows it he gets so upset if I am feeding him and Brandon leaves the room. It is pretty funny! At least we know that he loves his daddy!! :-)

I love that they completely match!!

Love these two boys!

He is such a cutie! We just can't get enough!

Red knees from crawling so much! Poor baby soft knees are not so baby soft anymore!

Swimming in our pool in our backyard! We are excited for it to stay warm so we can go swimming in it all of the time! Ethan loves going swimming!
He is so smart too! I mean man already typing on the computer! ;-)

Mama and Ethan

Our little thug!!

Ethan is such a funny little boy. He makes the funniest faces, so he must be our child. He is such an expressive little boy and he lets us know when he does not want something and when he does. If Brandon or I lay on the floor and act like we are sleeping Ethan crawls over to us and attacks our faces with kisses until we open our eyes! haha It is so funny!! We love him so much and can't believe how fast he is growing up.

1 comment:

  1. He is such a cute little boy! I can't believe how fast these little guys are growing up. So much fun! PS Totally jealous of the warm weather and the pool ha ha.
