Friday, June 10, 2011

Oh how time flies!

Our little man is 11 MONTHS old!! I can't believe it!! Time is sure flying by and it is both fun and sad at the same time. I love all of these new stages and things that Ethan does but it is also sad that he is growing up so fast! He sure is a cutie pie and I can't get enough of his smiles and his little face! He is very ticklish and I love making his laugh because he has the cutest laugh!! He has so much personality and I love it!! He points to everything and likes to show us things. He will grab a toy or something on the floor and lift it up to show us. It is pretty funny! He is pretty much done with baby food. He does not eat much baby food anymore. If I try to feed him some vegetable baby food he sometimes gets a few bites before he starts spitting it out or he decides on the first bite that he does not want it. He likes cooked green beans and pees so that is good. We are going to try and push the broccoli more so hopefully he will start to like that. He has also started to stand up without support and he does really well until he realizes that we are not holding onto him and then he dives for us!! haha Also yesterday he took his very first 2 steps in a row by himself. We are so excited to see him getting closer to this next step in life. He is not a talker yet but we figure it will come soon and when he is ready. He has not really said "mama" yet but I have a feeling he is getting close. I just can't believe that he is going to be a year old in less than a month. Time sure does fly. Oh I also forgot to mention that Ethan has started dancing, and it is so cute. He bobs up and down when music is on and sometimes he waves his hand too. It is so funny. He also loves the guitar and he sings with me and Brandon some times. He opens his mouth wide and copies us when we just sing a solid note. We love it!! He is just the best kid ever and we feel so lucky to have him in our lives! We love him so much and can't believe he is almost 1 years old!!


  1. He is too cute! We can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks!!!

  2. Just looked at tons of your posts,,,it is fun to see what you have been doing!! Hope you had a fun party for Ethan's birthday!! Can't believe he is already 1! Hope we can get together soon!

  3. He is so cute, I love him!! It was great to see you guys a couple weeks ago. Can't wait to see ya in August!
