Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Things I should have blogged about earlier!!

Ok so I have been a slacker at updating my blog lately. I guess its because my little Ethan has not been wanting to take long naps. So I have time to basically shower and eat lunch and then he is up. Then when he does sleep for a long time I keep expecting him to wake up any moment so I just want to relax while I have the time. I know, I know excuses excuses. So here are some things that have happened over the past month and a half. For starters.... when I was taking down our Christmas tree at the end of January Ethan decided that he was going to help me redecorate the tree. So he took the ropes that I was using to tie the branches together and put them on the tree! haha What a funny little boy I have!

Also Ethan LOVES to help me Vacuum the kitchen floor. Although, he gets really mad when he pushes it into something (like the wall, or a chair) and it gets stuck. :-)

What a cutie in his little diaper helping mommy vacuum! haha

Time to brush our teeth!!

He loves the brush Daddies teeth when we are trying to brush his! haha
Then of coarse he tries to brush his own. What a big boy we have!

Lately Ethan loves to play at the park. He can handle all of the slides and he tries to climb up all the big kid stuff so I always have to keep a close eye on him. But, it is fun to watch him play and chase him around the park.

So Cute!!

Lastly, I never updated anything for when Ethan hit 18 months. So here are some pictures that I took of him at 19 months.

Since then he has been saying a lot of things. He basically tries to repeat anything that we say or tell him to say! haha It is pretty funny to hear him say little words or try to say new words that are a little bit more difficult. Some of these words include: flower which is kinda like fower, ducky, puppy, turtle, purple, go, han (hand), hold, baby, almost, orange, money, papple (apple), boy, funny, bunny and some others that I can't think of right now. He is so funny and I love to listen to his little voice!! He has also started a new thing with pulling me and Brandon everywhere. If I am sitting down and he wants me to go somewhere with him to play or just to walk he will come grab my hand and pull me to wherever he wants to go. It is pretty funny, sometimes it is a little annoying because I don't want to follow him everywhere. But, oh well he is only going to be this way for so long, and I guess I better take advantage of these times when he wants me to go everywhere with him! :-)

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