Monday, June 4, 2012

Pregnancy round 2

So I have pretty much slacked off on writing anything about this pregnancy. I had planned to a few weeks ago and then I just never had the time! So here it is finally!
This pregnancy has had its differences that is for sure, but it has also been a pretty easy pregnancy just like it was with Ethan. Here are some of the differences:
  • With this pregnancy I had ligament pains before I even knew that I was pregnant. In fact it was like 3 days before I thought I could even take a test that I started having pains. So I started to think that I probably was pregnant because I remember having those pains shortly after finding out I was pregnant with Ethan.
  • I actually had and have some cravings this time. In the beginning I wanted potatoes like all the time. I could not get enough potatoes. I wanted fries, baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, heavenly potatoes. Basically anything potato sounded good to me. I also have times where we will be watching TV and every commercial with food in it that food sounds good to me! haha
  • I started feeling nauseous at about 6 weeks I think and it ended around 9 weeks. Basically by 10 weeks I was done with the nauseous phase which was nice.
  • My nauseousness was almost an all day thing this time around. With Ethan it was mostly at night but this one I felt it basically all day.
  • For the first few months I had a metallic taste in my mouth which made it almost impossible to drink water without wanting to gag. It was not fun.
  • I have been slightly constipated with this pregnancy which was totally different that with Ethan (Ya TMI but this is for journaling purposes!)
  • I felt this little one move for the first time at 10 weeks. We were saying our night time prayers and while I was praying bending over I felt a ton of flutters in the same spot over and over again. I thought that it could not have been the baby but there was no way that it was gas.
  • I felt more fluttering movements with this pregnancy that I did with Ethan. With Ethan I felt a flutter once and the rest felt like twitches as he would kick or punch me. This one I felt a lot of flutters early on and farther back towards my back and butt which was a really weird feeling! haha
  • I have been way more active during this pregnancy and I was able to keep up jogging until I was about 4 months along and then I had to stop because it was hurting my back.
  • I have a lot of back pain with this one and I have been going in for therapy because of it. I found out that my pelvic bone was tilted so they have to adjust it and I have been doing exercises to help strenghthen the muscles around my pelvic bone to help my bones stay in place while my ligaments are relaxed because of being pregnant!
  • I never get dizzy spells with this pregnancy. With Ethan I got them a good amount and they were sometime pretty bad. This time if I stand in one place too long I feel like I am going to pass out. I get kind of nauseous and hot and things start to go blurry and if it is a bad one than my hearing starts to fade as well. It is not fun and thankfully it does not happy all that often!
Well that is about all I can think of right now. My back pain is really the thing that causes me the most discomfort. Other than that this pregnancy is going pretty well.
Oh ya and we went in for our Ultrasound when I was 18 weeks along and this little one was moving a ton. I though Ethan moved a lot when he was in my tummy but this one moves even more. He was like doing flips during the ultrasound and the ultrasound tech could not get a good enough look at him to see whether he was a boy or a girl. However we got a short glimpse of what looked like little male parts so she said 80% boy. Luckily she did not get a good look at the 4 chambers of the heart or a good look at the face so we were sent in for another ultrasound 3 weeks later. During that ultrasound the ultrasound tech confirmed that it was indeed a boy! He was still moving around like crazy but was a little more squished. It was funny watching him move around especially since his feet were over his head and he was playing with is toes for some of it. He is developing well and everything looked good so we are excited to be having another little boy!

So here is the picture that we took at 18 weeks

Here is me with Ethan at 21 weeks

Here is me this time at 21.5 weeks

It is a little different because the one picture is a close up and the other is not but you get the picture! I am a little bigger than I was when I was pregnant with Ethan.
And here are the pictures from our second Ultrasound

So here is the conformation from our second ultrasound at 21 weeks and like 5 days. She said definitely a boy! haha :-)
Here was him playing with his hands.
I wish she would have gotten a picture when he had his feet up over his head and was playing with his feet because it was pretty cute! Oh well! :-)

His cute little feet!

The side profile of our next little boy! He is going to be a cutie! :-) We are excited to be having another little boy. It will be fun for Ethan to have a little buddy to rough house with someday! :-)
I will take another picture of my baby belly soon. I am 23 weeks right now so it has probably gotten a little bit bigger since the last picture so I will take one soon and put it up! I still can't believe that I have a month until I hit my third trimester! This pregnancy seems to be going by fast and at the same time it seems to be going by kind of slow! It is weird that it can seem like both but it does! haha

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