Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Update from my phone pictures!

Ok so I was looking through my phone pictures and realized that I never put these pictures on my blog. I need to be better at putting pictures from my phone on my computer so that I remember to put them on my blog!! So A while back for Family Home Evening we did our usual singing of "Popcorn Popping" and "Book or Mormon Stories" and then we added in "Heavenly Father loves me". So I decided to do a short lesson which consisted of telling Ethan that Heavenly Father loves us so much and that is why he gave us this world and everything that we have. So we looked outside and the trees and sky and some pictures of other things and called it good. It felt good to actually do a little lesson. Then after that we watched this movie that we have call "Buffalo Billy" It is an old little show about a Ventriloquist and his puppets. So we watched it and then made puppets together and afterwards we went out for ice cream cones at McDonalds. It was a really fun night and we need to do FHE like that more often! So here are some of the pictures of Ethan and Daddy with there puppets!

Ethan loved playing puppets with Daddy! It was so much fun to watch them play together.

Our last trip to California during Brandon's last break that I posted about I forgot to put the pictures from my phone on there. So here are some of the pictures from that trip that I never put on...

Ethan was being funny on our drive to California. He would hide under his blanket and then peek out! haha He is such a cutie!!

He normally does pretty well on our car trips as long as we have a DVD player and he gets to watch movies for about half of the time and if he gets snacks! So yes that stuff on his face is from his Oreo! haha

He loved watching Great Grandma Edwards play games on her ipad! It was funny, he would just go sit by her and watch her play her games. There was one specific game that she would play that he LOVED! It was some words game that a worm would eat the words as she made them and then after a while if she got enough the worm would burp. Ethan would laugh every time the worm ate words and would tell the rest of us to come over and see! haha

I just had to get a picture of him eating celery! haha Ya he ate a little bit of it and then decided this was better! haha Our little puppy!

During the rest of Brandon's last break we were able to have some time to ourselves. So along with relaxing and my therapy sessions we decided to go to the zoo. It was really fun to just go with our little family! I LOVED IT!! Just walking around the Zoo just the three of us. So we decided to feed the parrots again and this time I was feeling good enough to join in the fun.
At one point Brandon had 3 birds on him at one time! It was crazy... and the birds were super hungry! Ethan loved it!!

I loved that Ethan fed a bird by himself. I had to hold up his arm or else the bird would have fallen off. He thought it was pretty cool and he tried to pet the bird while it was on his arm, which the bird did not like and kind of got mad. So luckily Ethan did not try too many times and the bird did not bite him. That would have been bad! We had a lot of fun feeding those birds! :-)

We also went and saw the penguins. One of them was swimming in the water which Ethan thought was pretty awesome!

This next picture was taken in the middle of ichatting with family. I do believe we were talking with my parents online and Ethan went into the bathroom. After a little while I thought we should go see what he was doing and this is what he was doing..

Fathers Day Weekend:
So for Fathers Day weekend Brandon had gotten his 22 pistol gun finally so we decided to drop Ethan off at a friends house and go shooting on Saturday morning!

Brandon was really excited to finally have his first gun and go shooting! It was fun except it was still super hot at like 9:30 in the morning. So we did not last very long out in the sun before calling it quits and heading home!

Fathers Day morning I got up and made breakfast for Brandon before he had to go to his meeting (Which was cancelled and he did not know). Then Ethan woke up not feeling very good and ended up throwing up while I stayed home with him so that Brandon could go to the first hour of church. Luckily Ethan only three up once and then he started to feel better. So when Brandon got home from church he decided to have some cereal! So he had some Grape Nuts which Ethan decided that he wanted some too! Surprisingly he like them. I tell you this little boy is so funny with what he likes! So anyways, I had to get a picture of it because I thought it was so cute that Ethan was eating the same cereal with his Daddy on Fathers Day!
Brandon is such a good Daddy and such a great husband! We are truly so blessed to have him in our lives and we love him so very much!!

Just Some Fun times:
So Ethan loves to watch Brandon play games on his phone. He also likes to play Brandon's games on is phone and video games as well!
So here is Ethan watching and trying to help his Daddy play a game on his phone! :-)

Brandon has a car racing game that Ethan loves to play with him. He now will get the remote control and say "cool car game". He is so funny!!

Then the other day we went out the Chipotle for dinner and while we were at the table Ethan fell off the chair. He got a nice bruise on his forehead and his nose was bleeding it was pretty sad. So I took a picture of his battle wounds! Poor little buddy!

Shower Time
These last pictures were from today! It is just too stinking hot outside these days here in Arizona to go outside, and since we were bored and Ethan loves to play in the water I decided to let him play in the shower.

So I put him in the tub and turned on the shower instead of just filling up the tub with water. He liked it and I think I let him play for like a half hour until I decided to wash him up and get him out! But he had fun and then took a good nap afterwards so it turned out to be a good idea! haha Anyways I love my little family and we can't wait to have our next little boy here! I will update some pregnancy pictures next time!

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