Thursday, April 11, 2013

6 Months Old

Looking Back at the times when he was so small!

Why do they have to grow so fast! 
He is such a sweet heart!

It really is crazy how fast time goes by. 

 So sweet the way Ethan was looking at him.

And now, they are even closer and this is how life is now. I love it so much. They are going to be the best of friends! 

Weight: 17 lbs 2 oz
Height: 26 inches

I can't believe that my baby is already 6 months old as of March 26th. It feels like just yesterday I held him for the first time. Now he is just a smilie, laughing, squealing not so little baby boy. Wyatt is just such a sweat heart and I can't get enough of him. He is such a good baby. He has been doing really well with sleeping at night and it has been really nice. I do not expect it to stay this way since teething will be coming on anytime and that will disrupt his good sleeping pattern of going to bed at 9 and getting up at 8. So I will enjoy my sleep while I can. And yes he does go to bed around 9 and normally gets up around 8 sometimes earlier and sometimes later. Sometimes if he wakes up earlier and is talking I can go in and just give him his binkie and he will go back to sleep for another hour or so. It is so nice!! He really has always been an easy baby. He likes to have his space when he is sleeping. He does not really care to be rocked to sleep, he would rather be swaddled up, layed down in his bed and given his binkie and he falls asleep all by himself. He is still taking roughly 3 naps each day. One nap is longer than the rest and they are about an hour each except for one nap that has been about 2 hours. So he loves his sleep. He also loves his food. He gets roughly 27 ounces or more of formula each day. We have also been feeding him a little bit of baby food and he loves it. I made him some carrots and I have also made him green beans and he loves both of them. He does not like it cold at all so we have to warm it up a little bit and then he goes to town. He is such a happy little boy and he is just so fun. He does not care to roll over all that much. He has gotten the tummy to back down but he does not roll from back to tummy all that often. He has done it a few times but he just really does not make much of an effort. He seems to really like sitting up and he is getting better at it each day. He does topple over after a few minutes of sitting up but he does really well. He is also a screamer. He just loves to scream! haha It is so funny to hear him squeal and scream just for fun all the time. Brandon was joking that it was because that is all he hears his brother do. haha Which it very well could be since his Brother has tantrums and just screams! haha It is so crazy how easy babies seem the second time around. Especially when you have a 2 year old that is just so much more frustrating than an innocent little baby that does not scream at you and all the joys of a 2 year old. I keep wondering why I got so frustrated with Ethan when he was Wyatt's age! haha Oh the things you learn in life! haha Wyatt has also started to babble a little bit more and it is so cute. I love to watch his mouth move and hear his little voice when he is trying to talk. His personality has started to really come out lately and he is an attention seeker for sure. For instance if you talk to Wyatt for a little bit and then start talking to someone else he will start to yell until you look at him and talk to him again. haha It is seriously so funny! We shall see how that all works out when he and Ethan are battling it out when Wyatt gets older. Lastly Wyatt is so fascinated with putting everything and anything in his mouth these days. He also is very interested in everything that we eat and he acts like he wants to eat anytime that I put him in his highchair! haha He is such a silly boy!! I just love him so much! I am so blessed to have such cute sweat little boys in my family, and I am so glad to be a mom!! 

Oh he is just so stinking CUTE!! 

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